“It’s up to the Consumer to be Smart”:
Understanding the Security and Privacy Attitudes of Smart Home Users on Reddit
Jingjie Li
, Kaiwen Sun
, Brittany Skye Huff
, Anna Marie Bierley
Younghyun Kim
, Florian Schaub
, and Kassem Fawaz
University of Wisconsin–Madison, {jingjie.li, bshuff, bierley, younghyun.kim, kfawaz}@wisc.edu
University of Michigan, {kwsun, fschaub}@umich.edu
Abstract—Smart home technologies offer many benefits to
users. Yet, they also carry complex security and privacy
implications that users often struggle to assess and account for
during adoption. To better understand users’ considerations
and attitudes regarding smart home security and privacy, in
particular how users develop them progressively, we conducted
a qualitative content analysis of 4,957 Reddit comments in
180 security- and privacy-related discussion threads from
/r/homeautomation, a major Reddit smart home forum.
Our analysis reveals that users’ security and privacy attitudes,
manifested in the levels of concern and degree to which
they incorporate protective strategies, are shaped by multi-
dimensional considerations. Users’ attitudes evolve according
to changing contextual factors, such as adoption phases, and
how they become aware of these factors. Further, we describe
how online discourse about security and privacy risks and
protections contributes to individual and collective attitude
development. Based on our findings, we provide recommenda-
tions to improve smart home designs, support users’ attitude
development, facilitate information exchange, and guide future
research regarding smart home security and privacy.
1. Introduction
With the wide adoption of smart home technologies such
as smart speakers, thermostats, and door locks, users enjoy
the conveniences of automated daily experiences and the
reduction of repetitive menial tasks [90]. However, as these
technologies impact users’ lives in various aspects, they also
present unprecedented security and privacy (S&P) threats
to users and their environments [33], [85], [88]. Existing
work has looked into the role of S&P in users’ adoption
of smart home technology, especially during the acquisition
and use stages [26], [28], [29], [45], [88]. Users factor
S&P qualities of smart home products into their purchases,
despite the observation that they may not be fully aware of
S&P risks [28], [45]. Users may also come to realize S&P
issues and implement reactive mitigation strategies during
actual usage [29], [88].
Throughout the adoption journey, users’ experiences
with a product represent a reflective process from pre-
purchase to post-consumption [41]. Considering S&P as a
critical part of the user experience [85], [86], users exhibit
varying S&P attitudes and concerns [25], [44]. While exist-
ing studies on users’ S&P perceptions of smart home have
primarily focused on singular timepoints in the adoption
journey and are often conducted in controlled contexts using
methods such as interviews and surveys [28], [33], [85],
[88]; these studies may miss the rich dynamics when users
develop their S&P considerations and attitudes over time.
Meanwhile, little research has investigated and holistically
understood how users organically develop varying S&P con-
siderations and attitudes throughout their adoption journey.
Recently, researchers have started leveraging online
communities to study users’ attitudes, including those on
S&P-related topics, in vivo [48], [73], [74]. Online commu-
nities provide venues for many smart home users to seek
product information and exchange S&P ideas. Members of
such online communities collectively drive the topics and
discussions based on their interests. As such, we choose a
smart home-related online discussion forum to investigate
how smart home users develop S&P considerations, which
shape their S&P attitudes during the adoption of smart home
products. We investigate our main research objective through
three research questions:
RQ1: [Consideration] What are users’ S&P consider-
ations in the adoption of smart home technologies?
RQ2: [Attitude] What are users’ attitudes toward S&P,
and how do users’ S&P considerations shape them?
RQ3: [Discourse Influence] How does online discourse
influence users’ S&P considerations and attitudes?
We utilize Reddit (www.reddit.com), a major on-
line platform of interest-based communities, as our re-
search site. In particular, we analyze users’ discussions in
one of the largest forums for
smart home users. This forum covers a broad range of spe-
cific and in-depth S&P topics, making it a suitable medium
to study how smart home users develop S&P considerations
and attitudes. We conducted a qualitative content analysis
of 180 discussion threads, including 4,957 comments.
Our analysis contributes rich insights into users’ dy-
namic considerations and attitudes. First, users develop two
types of evolving and multi-dimensional S&P considera-
Reddit uses a tree-like structure called “comment thread” for online
discussion. One user starts a thread with an initial post (root comment), and
other users may leave comments under the post or other comments [18].
tions: (1) S&P concerns regarding smart home technologies
and (2) protective strategies during adoption. We observe
that a set of interplaying contextual factors shape these
considerations, including adoption phases and product fac-
tors (RQ1). Second, users’ S&P considerations map to five
categories of attitudes, namely dismissiveness, exploration,
resignation, positive pragmatism, and devotion; each attitude
combines the user’s degree of S&P concern and level of
incorporating protective strategies. We show that users’ S&P
attitudes are context-dependent and evolve according to the
progression of considerations as they seek and gain infor-
mation. However, their preconceptions may override a more
objective assessment (RQ2). Third, while users exchange
opinions and resolve ambiguity to develop S&P considera-
tions and attitudes, they also wrestle with occasional social
pressures and inaccessibility of accurate information during
online discussion (RQ3).
Based on our findings, we provide recommendations
to better support smart home users’ evolving and dynamic
S&P considerations and attitudes with improved designs and
practices, S&P nudging, and information exchange. Finally,
we inform future research to study smart home users’ longi-
tudinal attitudes from multiple angles, the geopolitical and
cultural influences, and the impact of information access on
smart home users’ attitudes.
2. Related Work
Security and privacy concerns and smart home adoption.
Prior research highlighted users’ unique S&P concerns to-
ward smart home products. From the security perspective,
users worry about vulnerabilities and threats in smart home
products and networking, such as malicious devices, adver-
sarial control, and cloud insecurity [85]. They also fear secu-
rity compromises that lead to physical safety hazards [34].
Concerns of smart home privacy issues arise when users’
private activities and information such as conversation and
precise location data are collected [16], [17], [88]. While
some users are aware of respective risks, others lack a
full understanding of certain sensitive practices and risks,
including how data is exploited for analytics [1], [71]. Often,
users’ limited technical knowledge results in bias and lack
of S&P concerns [85], [88].
Users are also concerned about the stakeholders involved
in the smart home ecosystem, including users with different
roles, companies, and government entities. For instance,
in multi-user smart homes, different users’ varying S&P
concerns can remain unresolved due to current role-based
access control approaches [20], [32], [37], [86]. In partic-
ular, less tech-savvy users, such as children, are treated as
passive smart home users who encounter privacy and safety
issues [70]. Users further think companies and governments
should be responsible for addressing smart home privacy
concerns [33].
Users do not develop all S&P concerns at once. While
some studies found that users lack S&P awareness or con-
cerns before purchase, others identified users’ realization
of S&P issues through use [27], [29], [70]. Researchers
have quantified the effect of S&P attributes on purchase
willingness in relation to risk perception and other concerns
such as usability [27]–[29]. In hypothetical scenarios where
users are prompted with threats, users show higher demand
for S&P protective strategies [71]. Whereas in actual use,
users would repurpose a product to mitigate S&P risks [14]
or ultimately abandon a certain smart home feature or S&P
control [39].
Unlike many studies that have investigated users’ S&P
concerns at a single point in time or in hypotheti-
cal scenarios, our analysis of users’ S&P discussion on
/r/homeautomation enables us to study how S&P
considerations progress during adoption over time without
researchers’ intervention.
Security and privacy attitudes. Researchers studied users’
S&P attitudes and the associated behaviors. Westin seg-
mented users’ privacy attitudes into three groups, corre-
sponding to high, medium, and low levels of concerns [44].
However, Watson et al. found that users’ S&P attitudes tend
to be more complex [79]. Dupree et al. clustered users’
attitudes according to how they are motivated to protect their
privacy and their knowledge about privacy [25]. Users also
present paradoxical privacy choices as their self-reported
privacy attitudes and concerns are inconsistent with their
actual behaviors [10].
This disconnect can be attributed to the complex context
of S&P, which is often missing in attitude predictors [83].
While many users are “very concerned” about privacy, a
myriad of factors impacts users’ privacy behaviors [4], [5],
e.g., the reward in trading off privacy for convenience [2],
[8], [82], the trust of entities that request information [40],
self-efficacy [33], [46], [56], [81], and social influence [6],
[30]. Moreover, triggers such as social influences, external
events, and active priming can change users’ attitudes and
behaviors [23], [48], [53], [57], [60], [78]. Compared to
prior work that categorizes users according to their static
S&P attitudes [25], [44], our study focuses on how users’ at-
titudes evolve through the interplay of considerations about
S&P concerns and protective strategies when users interact
with each other in an online social discussion setting.
Online discussion of security and privacy. Social inter-
action influences users’ S&P preferences [27] and behav-
iors [23]. Online discussion offers people a platform to ex-
change opinions, learn from each other, and provide support.
Users consider S&P in this collaborative environment [72],
[78], but online discussions about S&P topics only recently
started gaining attention [13], [48], [74], [76], [80]. This
is possibly because users tend to focus more on functional
Despite the challenges in locating relevant discussions
about S&P, researchers uncover insights of S&P from online
discussion [48], [65], [73], [77]. Analysis of online discus-
sions concerning intimate partner violence showed that such
an approach is useful for studying issues of their safety
and security [13], [76], [80]. Meanwhile, in the privacy
realm, prior research using discussion forums has inves-
tigated software developers’ questions about privacy [74],
advice for privacy [73], and in-depth discussion about data
practices [48]. However, how smart home users discuss S&P
online remains elusive. To the best of our knowledge, our
work is the first to leverage online discussion data (Reddit)
to understand smart home users’ S&P considerations and
attitudes. Moreover, we study the interaction dynamics cre-
ated by multiple users to show how attitudes and discussion
patterns influence each other, other than the topics and intent
of individual users’ commenting [48], [74].
3. Method
We analyzed online discussions on Reddit to investi-
gate how users’ S&P considerations are discussed during
their adoption of smart home products. This approach has
the advantage of observing people’s actual behaviors and
information-seeking processes. A large body of research has
studied the discussion on Reddit platform, with increasing
interest by S&P researchers [13], [48], [76], [77]. Reddit
uses a threaded structure in discussion each initial post
(root comment) is followed by a series of comments over
time. This feature provides an opportunity to observe dis-
course and interaction dynamics among discussants [48].
Reddit consists of subreddits, which are forums for
specific topics. We looked for smart home-related sub-
reddits that cover diverse products and integration levels.
We decided to focus on /r/homeautomation, com-
pared to other smart home-relevant subreddits suggested
by Reddit’s engine [64], for multiple reasons. First, it in-
cludes broad topics, diverse brands, products, and smart
home ecosystems to support users’ varying needs in dif-
ferent adoption and use phases, from seeking purchase
advice to recommending customized automation. Existing
work has leveraged the same subreddit to study smart
home users but did not focus on the S&P aspects [7],
[31], [42]. Second, /r/homeautomation has a large
user base. Established in 2010, /r/homeautomation
has about 1.6M members as of March 2022, much larger
than other relevant subreddits, e.g., the second largest
r/homenetworking (223K members) and the third
largest subreddits r/smarthome (133K members) sug-
gested by Reddit.
Third, /r/homeautomation has over
20 new threads per day, providing rich data to study.
3.1. Dataset
Identifying discussion threads relevant to S&P from
/r/homeautomation is non-trivial because of the mas-
sive amount of data and high diversity in the S&P termi-
nology being used. Neither a manual nor a keyword-based
approach is desirable due to the huge effort and lack of
inclusiveness. Instead, we used a semi-automatic approach
with a customized machine learning filter to increase the
inclusiveness of data while easing human involvement. Our
data collection and study received an ‘exempt’ determina-
tion from our Institutional Review Board. We downloaded
We show a comparison of subreddits in Table 1 (Appendix).
data from pushshift.io, which maintains an up-to-
date public archive for Reddit and complies with Reddit’s
terms of service in data collection and maintenance [12],
[59]. pushshift.io ingests data through Reddit’s offi-
cial application programming interface (API) and handles
removal requests, although some removal requests may
not be timely [11], [58]. Following prior work that used
pushshift.io [48], [67], we neither de-anonymized
users nor included sensitive data.
3.1.1. Initial corpus collection & cleaning. Leveraging
pushshift.io, we downloaded all available comments
on the /r/homeautomation subreddit between Decem-
ber 2010 and June 2021. By excluding threads and com-
ments deleted or removed by the administrator or the user,
the resulting corpus contains 46,637 threads with an average
number of 12.72 comments per thread (std = 19.98).
3.1.2. Automated selection of candidate threads. To iden-
tify threads with S&P topics, we leveraged machine learning
to process natural language text through fine-tuning a binary
classification model to report a sentence’s relevance to S&P
on a pre-trained DeBERTa model [36]. We adapted it for
our corpus and task since there is no perfectly sufficient
off-the-shelf trained model.
Annotating the training data. Two authors, both experts
in information and computer security, independently labeled
1,000 samples by their relevance to S&P-related topics. In
annotation, we considered criteria adopted in multiple prior
studies on S&P, such as the CMU taxonomy of Internet of
Things S&P [26], [28], [29]. These aspects included data
privacy, platform security, vulnerability, etc.
Evaluating sentence classification. We achieved a Cohen’s
Kappa κ of 0.92 from our annotation, showing high inter-
coder agreement. We obtained 115 positive samples among
the 1,000 coded samples. Then we randomly sampled 800
sentences for fine-tuning our machine learning filter and
200 samples for sentence testing. The model we trained
attained a satisfactory F1 (micro-averaged) score of 0.965
on sentence classification.
Generating thread candidates. We considered a thread
a candidate if the classifier labeled at least one sentence
positive (i.e., related to security or privacy) within the thread.
This strategy optimized for reducing the false-negative rate
by capturing relevant discussions as much as possible. The
same strategy will result in a higher false-positive rate as
sentences might be taken out of context. However, we can
still accommodate a non-low false positive rate as manual
coding rules out false-positive threads. For validation, we
sampled 50 threads from a pool, mixing an even number
of positive and negative threads reported by our filter. The
same annotators labeled these 50 threads (κ = 0.82) without
prior knowledge about the prediction. As a result, we found
13 misclassifications among the 50 threads, with only one
of them corresponding to a false negative, indicating that
the classifier is unlikely to miss relevant threads. We opted
to deal with false positives later on in the qualitative cod-
Training DeBERTa-
based lter
thread lter
1000 labels
1,000 labeled
180 relevant
46,637 raw
Open coding
Figure 1. Our data analysis pipeline.
ing stage. In summary, the filter identified 7,255 candidate
threads from the entire corpus.
3.1.3. Sampling. Following the guidelines in prior research,
we randomly sampled and coded threads, from the period
between 2010 and 2021, until we reached data satura-
tion [68]. Threads not relating to smart home S&P were fil-
tered out in the process. In total, we coded and reached sat-
uration with 180 relevant threads (4,957 comments) among
303 random candidates sampled from all 7,255 threads.
3.2. Data Analysis
Our analysis considered all comments over time in each
thread. First, two authors went through 28 threads to cre-
ate the analytical memos that revealed initial codes. The
research team discussed these codes, clarified definitions,
resolved disagreements, and established an initial codebook.
Then, these two authors independently coded a subset of
15–20 threads randomly sampled from the dataset each time,
while comparing codes and revising the codebook iteratively
until high inter-rater reliability at the comment level was
reached (κ = 0.74) at the 82nd thread. Using the revised
codebook, the two authors then split the samples and coded
independently until hitting saturation at the 180th thread.
Then, we revisited all threads multiple times and conducted
thematic analysis. We make our codebook available online.
From the 180 threads, we observed 2,181 users. Noticeably,
477 of them actively participated in S&P-related discus-
3.3. Limitations
Our analysis has several limitations. First, there
is sample selection bias as we collected data from
/r/homeautomation. Presumably, users on this forum
are more passionate and knowledgeable about smart homes
than the general population. This is reflected in our observa-
tion, where many users demonstrated extensive knowledge
of device functions and the associated S&P issues. Second,
we did not have access to our sample’s demographic data
such as age, gender identity, education level, or occupation.
So it is difficult to ascertain whether the demographic distri-
bution of the sample is reflective of the general population.
Future work may want to study how smart home S&P is
discussed on other forums with different focuses or within
other populations. Third, in our findings, we discuss var-
ious actions such as abandoning product ownership. As is
https://osf.io/2zs9n/?view only=e40279edd16b459883b3680ece0546bc
common with self-reported behavior, users’ discussions may
not necessarily correlate with their actual actions. Fourth,
our focus in this work is not the temporal relation between
different threads, which potentially captures more dynamics
of how users develop considerations and attitudes in a longer
period of time. Finally, our methodology to detect S&P-
related discussion using text classification is generalizable
across different domains, e.g., Twitter, and future work may
leverage our content analysis and codebook. However, the
quantitative results we report are less likely to generalize
due to the Reddit population that is presumably more tech-
savvy. Keeping these limitations in mind, our research still
revealed significant trends in S&P discussions in a previ-
ously unstudied population, and it fills a gap in the literature
about users’ S&P considerations and attitudes.
3.4. Roadmap
In the following sections, we present the findings in
correspondence with our research questions. Figure 2 shows
our analysis framework. We first reveal users’ S&P consid-
erations in Section 4 how they assess their S&P concerns
and incorporate S&P protective strategies given the con-
textual factors, such as adoption phases and product factors.
Then, in Section 5 we map the considerations to five major
categories of S&P attitudes during smart home product
adoption, namely dismissiveness, exploration, resignation,
positive pragmatism, and devotion. Lastly, we discuss how
online discourse influences users’ S&P considerations and
attitudes in Section 6. In addition, we show the prevalence
and co-occurrence of themes and subthemes regarding the
three research questions from Figure 3 to 8 to support our
qualitative findings.
4. RQ1: Security and Privacy Considerations
Our analysis of /r/homeautomation reveals two
types of user considerations: (1) their S&P concerns regard-
ing smart home technologies and (2) how they incorporate
protective strategies during adoption. We observe that a set
of interplaying contextual factors shape these considerations,
including adoption phases and product factors. Next, we
describe the contextual factors, explain how users consider
S&P issues, and show how users incorporate S&P-protective
strategies in smart home adoption. We note, however, that
users do not necessarily fully develop their considerations
during discussion or may only exhibit a subset of them in
their comments.
Security and Privacy Considerations (RQ1)
Alex Alex
Bob Charlie Charlie
Influence of Online Discourse (RQ3)
Security and Privacy Attitudes (RQ2)
comment over time
Dismissiveness ResignationExploration
Security & privacy concern Incorporation of protective strategy
worry about the app privacy due
to foreign manufacturer.”
“Considering to buy a vacuum but
“Bought a local version; it lacks
some functionalities.
Is there a
way to resolve that?”
“If you buy a local version it will
be connected to local server, but
you lose some functionalities.”
flash a custom firmware.”
“You can
“Have a vacuum; not really
concerned about privacy but it
depends on you.”
not really
concerned about privacy
Figure 2. Our analytical framework with a paraphrased Reddit thread as an example. The texts that show either considerations of concern and protective
strategies are color-coded by red and purple. The text box’s color aligns with the user’s S&P attitude in discourse, if exists. In this example, Alex started
a thread to seek advice on buying a robot vacuum with potential privacy concerns due to its foreign manufacturer. Bob declared that they were aware but
not concerned about privacy of the vacuum personally. Charlie offered an alternative to acquiring the local version that does not connect to the foreign
server. Following Charlie, Alex confirmed their purchase of the local version and further sought advice to balance its privacy tradeoff with the functionality.
During both pre- and post-purchase, Alex showed considerations of privacy concerns and protective strategies, demonstrating an exploration attitude; Bob
dismissed their concern.
4.1. Contextual Factors
During the discussion, users reference a range of factors
affecting their considerations. Our thematic analysis reveals
five themes of contextual factors: adoption phases, product
factors, S&P features, auxiliary information, and relevant
Adoption phases. Users’ S&P considerations evolve during
the discussion according to their adoption phase for a prod-
uct. Consistent with prior work [19], [29], [54], we observe
four major phases: consideration of product acquisition,
e.g., purchase, inheriting, and sharing; acquisition of the
product but not in use; active use, during which users may
personalize the product; and abandonment or transfer of
product ownership.
Product factors. Product-related factors during the discus-
sion lead to users’ awareness of S&P issues. We observe that
users reference two kinds of product factors: quality require-
ments and technology features. Product quality requirements
include compatibility, reliability, price, customization, and
core functionality. Examples of the technology features of
products include (open-source) software, cloud dependency,
connectivity, user control, and data storage.
Security & privacy features. Users also reference specific
S&P features of the product. These features fall into five
categories: account access (e.g., resource authorization),
safety measures (e.g., data backup), system integration (e.g.,
exposure to network), privacy options (e.g., rights to review,
edit, and delete their data), and security features (e.g.,
Auxiliary information. Users leverage auxiliary informa-
tion about S&P aspects throughout their adoption journey.
We identified two types of information sources: public in-
formation channels and evidence from real-life interaction.
The former covers news and reports, social media, customer
reviews, or privacy policies. The latter includes experiences
of suspicious activities or communications with customer
Relevant stakeholders. In addition to external attackers,
users recognize different stakeholders in the smart home
ecosystem. These stakeholders include companies (manufac-
turers, vendors, and service providers), governments, users,
and other third parties. Users associate stakeholders with
different roles. For example, the government can serve as
a regulator or a possible adversary. Similarly, third parties
can provide compliance oversight or impose threats. Lastly,
users discuss sharing devices in multi-user smart home sce-
narios, with attention to special populations, e.g., children
and the elderly.
4.2. Developing Security and Privacy Concerns
The first component of S&P considerations is developing
S&P concerns. As users develop S&P concerns, they per-
form threat modeling that consists of three themes as shown
in Figure 3: security and privacy awareness recognition
of potential concern, threat identification mapping of
potential to actual threats based on smart home products and
associated stakeholders, and risk assessment assessment
of the likelihood and severity of threat influences. Next, we
elaborate on the three themes and the subsequent subthemes;
Figure 3 depicts the frequency of each subtheme in the
coded threads.
4.2.1. Security and privacy awareness. The first theme
describes how users’ needs, the adoption phases, and infor-
mation sources drive their S&P awareness. It includes two
subthemes: how contextual factors contribute to awareness
and how awareness evolves according to contextual factors.
Figure 3 shows a noticeable contribution of contextual fac-
tors to S&P awareness, compared to other subthemes.
Contextual factors contribute to awareness. Users’ S&P
awareness arises from the smart home device features they
S&P awareness
Threat identification
Risk assessment
Users’ assumptions about adversaries drive
their likelihood assessment
Users’ valuation of users and assets
influences their severity assessment
Assumptions regarding stakeholders’
behaviors result in different role assignments
Preconceptions shape users’ views toward
products and stakeholders
Technical expertise affects vulnerability
Awareness evolves based on changing
contextual factors
Contextual factors contribute to awareness
Number of threads
0 60 120 180
Figure 3. Three themes and the frequencies of seven subthemes of users’
considerations in developing security and privacy concerns. Note that when
we refer to “contextual factors” in a subtheme, it indicates a list of items, as
we explain in Section 4.1, such as S&P features and auxiliary information.
deploy to address their needs. Users associate specific
concerns (eavesdropping, spying, safety hazard, etc.) with
distinctive product modalities, such as audio recording by
voice assistants or room scanning by a robot vacuum. For
example, one user expressed concern about their smart
lock being tampered via “the digital part than the actual
deadbolt” (U6-T33). Many concerns center around devices’
dependency on the Internet or cloud to function, e.g., trigger-
action services through MQTT, which may possibly “expose
something on your home network to the internet” (U2-
T9). Also, S&P information contributes to users’ awareness.
For example, one user was concerned about the “(lack of)
privacy policy” prior to purchasing a product (U40-T29).
Additionally, awareness arises from users’ specific use cases,
such as remotely allowing tenants to enter a rental home via
smart entrance by giving them “a one use access code to
dial on pad” (U1-T155).
Awareness evolves based on changing contextual factors.
Users interact with stakeholders, products, and information
sources across adoption phases, prompting an evolution
of S&P awareness. We find that before acquiring a new
product, users have abstract S&P awareness; they are more
concerned about product features. The awareness becomes
more concrete after the purchase, when users describe spe-
cific concerns about the product. In one case, even before
receiving the purchased device, a user developed a concern
about a phone call they received about the product due to
“the information [shipping location, credit card, etc.]” the
caller asked for (U1-T8).
After acquiring the product, user awareness becomes
more specific to their experience with the device or stake-
holders. The example below shows that the user returned a
thermostat after they had noticed its lack of privacy options:
“Yeah i had gotten a discounted nest thermostat from my
power company but after seeing their reluctance to let me
access *my own data* i returned it. (U5-T69)
During adoption, auxiliary S&P information, such as
media reports, further contributes to a user’s awareness, as
evident in one user’s complaint about a company’s response
to a threat:
“8 months ago Ring’s VP said he’d come back here to tell
us when their firmware stopped sending data to China. He
hasn’t commented since. (U1-T139)
Awareness about S&P issues persists post abandonment.
For example, when transferring their device to others, one
user recommended to “wipe everything from my [their]
accounts, setup new accounts...and hand it over” (U4-T23).
4.2.2. Threat identification. The second theme of develop-
ing S&P concerns covers users identifying specific threats
in their smart home, such as data misuse, unwanted data
collection, and surveillance. This theme consists of three
subthemes. First, users’ technical expertise affects their
vulnerability assessment. Second, their preconceptions and
assumptions preconceptions are subjective while assump-
tions are more situational of stakeholders shape how they
define the adversary. Third, users assess the vulnerability in
smart homes and place stakeholders as adversaries, victims,
or good Samaritans.
Technical expertise affects vulnerability assessment. Al-
though some users name specific attacks, several exhibit un-
certainty regarding how particular products or technologies
are vulnerable. For example, when discussing buffer over-
flow attacks on device firmware, one commentator confused
the device firmware with the wireless protocol it employs:
“I assume Z-Wave doesn’t suffer from this problem due to
the certification process? Or are there attack vectors that
could be leveraged against that particular tech?” (U4-
Further, insufficient technical understanding manifests in
over- or under-estimation of the threat. One user described
any device requiring an Internet connection as insecure
when comparing products that rely on WiFi connectivity
versus those on Zigbee and Z-Wave. In the same thread,
another user clarified the threat model, comparing WiFi
versus Zigbee and Z-Wave devices, that the latter are “not
IP routable so they are much more difficult to use as attack
vectors” (U19-T79).
Preconceptions shape users’ views toward products and
stakeholders. Users carry preconceptions, e.g., perceived
trust, reputation, or reliability, which they “hearken from
the bad old days” and reflect in their views toward products
or stakeholders (U3-T51). These preconceptions can arise
from previous experience with a stakeholder. For example,
when considering a replacement purchase, one user warned
others “DO NOT buy a Skybell [smart doorbell they want
to replace]” by referencing their concern about the security
and reliability of a smart doorbell from their prior use and
issues “that are well documented across Reddit” (U1-T11).
Further, users exhibit differing trust and reputation pre-
conceptions for the same stakeholder; for example, one
thought “Apple’s reputation for privacy far outweighs Ama-
zon’s”, while another was more positive about Amazon
because “historically speaking, Amazon is much more pro-
tective of user data [compared to Nest]” (U2-T81, U30-
However, we observe a predominant distrust toward
Chinese smart home companies, not just particular brands,
on privacy and quality. For instance, one user argued:
“Not specifically for Xiaoyi, but it is quite common for
low-priced Chinese brands to have embedded backdoors
or privacy-invading snooping by the company.(U15-T58)
This distrust possibly arises from the perceived tie between
Chinese manufacturers and authorities, sometimes described
as the “Chinese state overlords” (U17-T119).
Assumptions regarding stakeholders’ behaviors result
in different role assignments. Users have different as-
sumptions about the behaviors of stakeholders or products
(such as security practices). These assumptions result in
different assignments of adversarial roles to stakeholders.
Users’ assumptions also do not necessarily align with their
views toward the stakeholder, as shown in the three distinct
outcomes below.
First, users associate the for-profit business model with
more vulnerable products because their manufacturers “have
zero incentives to patch holes in their older products” (U6-
T3). Second, users consider these companies as an adversary
because of the “blatant disregard for the moral and ethical
responsibility that companies should have when they have
access to such sensitive data” (U16-T58). Third, the same
for-profit business model, interestingly, leads to users as-
suming companies to be good Samaritans because enforcing
data privacy improves their competitiveness:
“Well Google records all your data, but they are highly
incentivized to keep it safe and not sell it, because having
exclusive access to it is their core business. (U97-T115)
Similarly, for authorities, some users note their positive
role in regulating companies. Below we show an example:
“There are laws that vary depending on region, such as
Europe’s GDPR privacy laws, hence why Facebook is
acting like they would pull out of Europe. (U15-T151)
Others are, however, skeptical about governments’ role in
regulating smart home companies. One user thought that,
because governments are not doing “what’s right about
trade, “it’s up to the consumer to be smart. Another user
sarcastically responded: “and... we [users]’re doomed” (U7-
T147, U5-T147).
4.2.3. Risk assessment. After identifying S&P threats, the
third theme involves evaluating the associated risks, i.e.,
how these threats might affect users’ health, finances, and
physical and digital assets. This assessment consists of two
subthemes: the evaluation of the likelihood and severity of
a threat.
Users’ assumptions about adversaries drive their likeli-
hood assessment. Users associate the likelihood of attacks
with the required technical sophistication. For example, one
user assumed that attackers can use a cheap radio to jam
Strategy identification
Tradeoff recognition
Strategy assessment
Benefits of strategies stand on the security
and perceived improvements in use cases
Price and technical effort inform cost
Contextual factors constrain the scope of
Users leverage information sources to
identify protective strategies
Number of threads
0 60 120 180
Figure 4. Three themes and the frequencies of five subthemes of users’
considerations in examining protective strategies.
a wireless security system that does not employ frequency
“I can disable the system with a walkie talkie after
using an SDR [software defined radio] to find the exact
frequency the system is on and just blast it the entire
time I’m in your house . . . $20 baofeng [radio] will kill
simplisafe since it uses 433[MHz]. (U4-T45)
On the other hand, users doubt the likelihood of attacks
that appear resource-consuming. For example, an attacker is
unlikely “sitting outside my [their] house for the next month
trying to guess” an 8-digit smart lock code from fingerprint
dusting (U3-T100). Some users think certain attacks are
unlikely since they bring low benefit to the attackers, e.g.,
attacking a smart vacuum to reveal “how dirty your carpet
is” (U3-T125).
Users’ valuation of users and assets influences their
severity assessment. Even with an adequate threat model,
users have different valuations of the associated risks. For
instance, while all recognized the threat from a compro-
mised voice assistant, some were concerned about sensitive
conversations being recorded by the device when working
from home:
“I need to deal with sensitive HR [Human Resources]
issues from home, all of which should never be recorded
without consent of a third party. (U8-T68)
Similarly, other users elevated perceived risks when spe-
cial populations interact with devices, due to severe conse-
quences that “[the elderly] can’t escape 99 degree or higher
heat” (U1-T3).
However, others devalued the severity of recorded voice,
e.g., chatting with family members, as they thought “nothing
I say in my home is important that I worry someone heard”
In contrast, users may assign possible attacks with lower
severity based on the countermeasures in place. For exam-
ple, one user felt their home would be safe as their security
system “is basically tamper proof(U46-T30). In that case,
the device employed power backup and intrusion alarm
against malicious power shutoff and wireless jamming.
4.3. Incorporating Protective Strategies
The second component of S&P considerations is users
examining whether and how to incorporate S&P protective
strategies into their smart home deployment. We observe two
types of protective strategies. The first represents adoption
decisions such as the purchase or abandonment of a specific
product. The second includes product setup, customization,
or configuration such as changing passwords, disabling the
Internet, and DIY solutions. We identify three themes of how
users arrive at protective strategies: strategy identification,
tradeoff recognition, and strategy assessment. First, users
identify potential strategies to alleviate S&P concerns (if
any), given the adoption context. Second, users recognize the
tradeoffs associated with the identified strategies. Last, users
assess whether to incorporate the S&P protective strategies
after assessing the identified tradeoffs. Figure 4 shows the
five subthemes comprising the three themes; the distribution
of the subthemes is relatively uniform in the coded threads.
4.3.1. Strategy identification. We identify two subthemes
for strategy identification. First, users leverage available
information sources to explore possible protective strategies.
Second, facing the constraints from contextual factors, users
narrow the scope of their strategies.
Users leverage information sources to identify protective
strategies. Users leverage their knowledge and understand-
ing to explore protective strategies. They build their knowl-
edge or understanding from access to information sources,
e.g., online discussions. For example, one user opened a poll
for “best practice advice” as they sought to secure their
smart home against external threats from the Internet (U1-
T139). Additionally, users learn about possible strategies
from auxiliary information. For instance, a user referenced
an online open-source project about rooting a robot vac-
uum’s firmware to alleviate a privacy concern (U3-T73).
Stakeholders, including third-party organizations, represent
another source of information about possible strategies. In
one case, a user praised “Consumer Reports” for their
“good write up” on alternatives for secure smart locks (U3-
Contextual factors constrain the scope of strategies. First,
stakeholders, such as companies or governments, might
restrict the scope of possible strategies for marketing or
legal reasons. For example, returning a product because of a
security issue might be infeasible due to a restrictive return
policy. In one case, a user asked if they should return a smart
lock, within the return period, in response to a warning that
indicates it has “weaker security” (U1-T122). Additionally,
some products lack S&P configurations, forcing users to
consider “all-or-nothing” strategies. In other cases, users
were unaware of such configurations because they were
inaccessible. One comment referred to an interface, which
disables cloud access of a smart bulb, as “[buried] in the
app” (U4-T72).
Second, being a secondary user limits available protec-
tive strategies, e.g., one user expressed a loss of control
of using a voice assistant with “3rd party always-on mi-
crophones” in a hotel (U4-T20). Third, inadequate under-
standing or limited information contributes to constraining
the scope of protective strategies. For example, one user
mistakenly referenced the U.S. Federal Communications
Commission (FCC)’s terms to question the legitimacy of
deploying WiFi access control by deauthentication flood in
enterprise settings (U8-T128).
4.3.2. Tradeoff recognition. We observe two subthemes in
how users recognize tradeoffs associated with the identified
strategies. First, the price and technical effort of incorpo-
rating a protective strategy inform their cost awareness.
Second, users identify the benefits of strategies based on
perceived improvements, e.g., enhanced security.
Price and technical effort inform cost awareness. First,
users reference the monetary value of a strategy as part
of its cost. For example, when a user was wary about
buying a security camera from a foreign manufacturer, a
user responded:
“What’s your budget? If you want the best Axis cameras
are the most reliable cameras... (U12-T75)
Second, users evaluate how the technical effort associated
with the customization strategies contributes to the cost. One
Reddit user mentioned the technical knowledge and effort
needed for a DIY alternative to commercial voice assistants:
“Actually if you know python writing a voice assistant
capable of controlling your house and doing other basic
functions is a matter of a couple days. (U21-T29)
Benefits of strategies stand on the security and perceived
improvements in use cases. The benefits of incorporating a
strategy depend on users’ use cases, e.g., their smart home
setup or feature requirements. Users prefer compatibility
between S&P improvements, brought by the strategy, and
other desired qualities in their use cases. For example,
a potential buyer wanted a “*very* secure lock” that is
compatible with other functions of HomeKit, Apple’s smart
home app (U9-T5).
However, users might not be fully aware of the S&P ben-
efits of a strategy, e.g., due to its deployment. For example,
one user sought confirmation about whether their exposed
information can be limited to only “details of the separate
network, address, and room layout” if they associate their
smart vacuum with a dedicated phone on a separate network
4.3.3. Strategy assessment. Finally, users assess the trade-
offs between cost and benefits to determine which strategies
are viable. Users incorporate strategies when they think the
benefits outweigh the cost, e.g., one thought a product that
was a “little pricey” but “worth it” (U4-T18). The user’s
tradeoff assessment tilted toward the strategy when the use
case is important to them. For example, one user preferred to
purchase a more secure smart thermostat when the primary
user is an older adult: “[the elderly]’re unable to set their
own thermostat, and their caretaker isn’t close by to address
the situation” (U1-T3). Some users value the power of
customization; even when they perceive a cost from the
needed effort to incorporate, the added controls outweigh
these costs:
“I agree that Homeseer’s interface is not the prettiest one
around, but so far it does far and away more, is stable,
and exposes the “nerd knobs” needed to do darn near
anything including secure z-wave. (U9-T1)
Benefit valuation depends on the user’s assumptions and
understanding of the threat. Several users perceived an added
security benefit when they cover their internal IP in a posted
photo as they thought there was “no reason to give our po-
tentially vulnerable information, and “if they compromise a
router, internal IPs could be useful” (U1-T120, U8-T120).
But others considered covering “non internet routable” IPs
as “diminishing returns” since if the router is compromised,
these IPs can be easily revealed by port scanning (U7-T120,
When they perceive the cost as outweighing the benefits,
users are less motivated to incorporate the strategy. Cost
manifesting in a high technical effort can dissuade them
from a protective strategy, e.g., when they consider them-
selves “not [technically] qualified” (U3-T73). An extreme
case is fatalism [84], where every protective strategy is
perceived as ineffective since “everything can be broken”
Takeaway-RQ1. We observe that smart home users’ S&P
considerations consist of S&P concerns and protective
strategies. First, users develop S&P concerns through in-
depth and tech-involved threat modeling: becoming aware
of the S&P issues, identifying and assessing the actual S&P
risks and threats. Second, users identify and assess S&P
protective strategies while recognizing cost-benefit tradeoffs.
As such, these considerations are multi-dimensional and
depend on an interplay of contextual factors in adoption,
as shown in Figures 3 and 4. We also find that users’
considerations progress according to changing contextual
factors, e.g., adoption phases and access to information.
These takeaways contrast with prior findings, where users’
assessment of threats and protective strategies can be single-
dimensional and static [33], [85], [88].
5. RQ2: Security and Privacy Attitudes
We now discuss users’ S&P attitudes toward the adop-
tion of smart home products. These attitudes are the result of
users’ (1) S&P concerns and (2) incorporation of protective
strategies. As shown in Figure 5, we identify five categories
of attitudes: dismissiveness of S&P concerns; exploration
of possible concerns and protective strategies; resignation to
incorporating S&P protective strategies; positive pragmatism
in terms of incorporating protective strategies that balance
cost and benefit tradeoffs; and devotion to incorporating
protective strategies. We observe that one user may exhibit
different S&P attitudes as the context varies; users’ attitudes
may evolve over time during exploration as they advance
their considerations with the progressing context or better
knowledge of it. As such, we do not segment users based on
attitudes. Also, some boundaries between attitudes are blurry
(e.g., some pragmatic traits shared in resignation), and users
may not fully express their attitudes in online discussion. We
Figure 5. Users’ S&P attitudes in adoption aligned with considerations
of concerns and incorporating protective strategies. Representative traits
are summarized with each category, and we report the frequency of each
attitude among the 255 out of 477 users who revealed their attitudes
in S&P-related discussion. Note that one user may hold more than one
attitude. We observe more users carrying exploration attitudes than others.
Consistent with prior findings [25], [44], we see many pragmatism users.
The users devoted to incorporating protective strategies are noticeable, too.
complement qualitative insights with frequencies of attitudes
to characterize their prevalence. The frequencies in Figure 5
characterize users on this subreddit: many are technically
informed and devoted to incorporating protective strategies.
Figure 6 shows the co-occurrence of users’ attitudes and
their considerations.
Dismissiveness as a contextual or general attitude. The
dismissive attitude refers to users who exhibit low S&P
concerns; this attitude leads to users’ reluctance to further
incorporate protective measures. First, some users exhibit
low S&P concerns in general, sometimes regarded as “wil-
full [willful] ignorance” by others (U12-T20). For example,
some users were not concerned about privacy in the smart
home because they felt “privacy honestly isn’t of utmost
importance to all” or they “got nothing to hide” (U18-T26,
U28-T115). Interestingly, these users may rationalize their
attitudes by making an analogy with physical privacy:
“Personally I’d go with something like, having a private
conversation in public and notice the person a table over
eavesdropping but don’t really care. (U9-T68)
Second, while some users have general S&P concerns,
they might be less concerned about specific use cases. For
example, one rationally dismissed their concern “through
some troubleshooting” after they had determined that the
suspicious device traffic was due to repeated attempts of
a firmware update (U5-T110). When dismissing a concern,
users may appear to be inconsistent, e.g., by saying “privacy
is a big concern, and so is use case, when they were
not “personally worried about the privacy implications” of
smart speakers (U4-T180).
Exploration as an attitude while developing consider-
ations. The exploration attitude features users’ proactive
needs to develop their understanding of S&P threats and pro-
tective strategies. Users may exhibit the exploration attitude
at different adoption phases, depending on their evolving
awareness. Users solicit input from others to educate them-
selves about possible S&P threats. For instance, one user
was open to learning more about integration vulnerability
and threat:
0 20 40 60
Attitudes (RQ2)
Users’ assumptions about adversaries drive
their likelihood assessment
Users’ valuation of users and assets
influences their severity assessment
Assumptions regarding stakeholders’
behaviors result in different role assignments
Preconceptions shape users’ views toward
products and stakeholders
Technical expertise affects vulnerability
Awareness evolves based on changing
contextual factors
Contextual factors contribute to awareness
Strategy assessment
Benefits of strategies stand on the security
and perceived improvements in use cases
Price and technical effort inform cost
Contextual factors constrain the scope of
Users leverage information sources to
identify protective strategies
Considerations (RQ1)
S&P Concern
Incorporation of
protective strategy
Positive pragmatism
0 20 6040
Figure 6. Co-occurrence of users’ S&P attitudes with subthemes in con-
siderations, which supports our attitude mapping. For example, users with
dismissiveness attitudes rarely consider protective strategies; users demon-
strate their devotion and pragmatism by the final assessment of concerns
and protective strategies; users seldom reach the final assessment during
“Network security definitely isn’t my strong suit, although
it is a priority of mine ... I’d definitely like to hear what
other people have to say. (U2-T34)
Others explore additional protective strategies; one user
asked for help on Reddit when they noticed a mismatch in
the password length limits between their WiFi and a smart
AC control:
“Have you just shorten your WiFi password, returned the
devices and/or find any other solution? What password
length do you find both secure enough and compatible
with almost any connected device?” (U1-T41)
After exploration, a user’s attitude may change, such as
dismissing S&P concerns after troubleshooting (U5-T110).
Resignation as a result of cost outweighing security
or privacy benefits. The resignation attitude highlights
users who worry about S&P issues but tend to give up on
incorporating protective strategies. This resignation results
from their perception that the cost of protective strategies
outweighs any potential S&P benefits. For instance, one user
regarded S&P practices as “too much of a hassle, when
they had to include network separation that impacts connec-
tivity (U7-T35). Similarly, another thought price and device
availability contributed to their resignation as “there’s not
a better option [of a smart door bell]” compared to other
brands (U41-T17).
Another motivation behind resignation is users’ fatalism,
previously mentioned in Section 4.3.3. They consider S&P
threats inevitable due to the loss of control [21]. Such
beliefs appear to be a result of users’ continuous exposure
to tracking, e.g., due to people “walking around with a
cellphone 24/7” (U6-T38).
Positive pragmatism results from satisfactory tradeoffs.
Similar to resignation, this attitude features the tradeoffs
users make when considering protective strategies. The
difference is that users value S&P more than the other
factors. They feel satisfied with protective strategies that
strike a compromise between cost and benefits. For example,
one voice assistant user “values convenience over complete
privacy”; they thought opting out of data sharing suffices to
protect privacy (U6-T68).
While pragmatic users can be technically competent,
they may seek protective strategies with lower costs. One
user, who “program[s] by day,felt comfortable with setting
up a smart home with network separation rather than setting
up a secure smart home by DIY, as “the last thing I [the
user] want to do on the weekend is fiddle with Raspberry
Pi” (U4-T29).
Devotion as a result of caution and competence. Users
with high S&P concerns tend to be devoted to S&P-
protective strategies. While some users’ devotion stems from
their overreaction to an incomplete threat model, others are
technically competent and enthusiastic about sharing their
Devoted users thoroughly form their threat model, even
by decompiling an app to examine its encryption standard:
“So far I’ve decompiled the app and found that it uses
Ayla Networks IoT platform. Oh and the Cipher Suite for
added security. (U11-T121)
Others form their threat models from their prior experience;
one user referenced their job when expressing security con-
cerns about unpatched hubs:
“I once worked at a company with 8M customers. My
mantra regarding problems was ‘1 in a million happens
every 3 hours’ (U1-T133)
Some devoted users are capable of incorporating sophis-
ticated mitigation strategies, e.g., multi-layer security:
“I still have fallback if somethings fail so i’m never
without some degree of protection. Personally I would and
have layered the devices in 3 layers, A ‘real’ security
panel for the vital parts where a burglar must pass...
However, devotion does not mean blindly adopting a
more technically involved strategy. For example, one user
concerned about unpatched hubs showed fatigue in reacting
to vulnerabilities, e.g., by patching. They would rather invest
in other brands if they were “going to guess at the next
target” (U1-T133).
Takeaway-RQ2. We map the S&P considerations to five
categories of attitudes; each attitude combines the user’s
degree of S&P concern and level of incorporating protective
strategies (Figures 5 and 6). We observe that users’ S&P
attitudes are context-dependent and evolve according to the
progression of considerations. Users do not hold a fixed S&P
attitude; their attitudes change depending on the context
(e.g., product factors and adoption phase), as many of them
proactively seek and gain more information. Also, prior
experiences or preconceptions about a product might shape
a user’s attitude, overriding a more objective assessment.
These findings enrich literature where the focus has been
traditionally on users’ static S&P attitudes [25], [44].
6. RQ3: Influence of Online Discourse
Discourse in an online forum fulfills users’ information
and social needs despite their varying attitudes. It also
fosters users’ development of considerations and attitudes.
We identify three themes of active interactions in discussing
smart home S&P-related topics. These themes are: users’
strategies to resolve ambiguity in S&P-related discourse;
contributions of the discourse to users’ attitude develop-
ment; and the influence of users’ varying attitudes on the
discourse environment. We identify seven subthemes, e.g.,
collaborative exploration through exploration. We show each
subtheme’s frequency and the co-occurrence of users’ atti-
tudes and these subthemes in Figures 7 and 8. These figures
support our qualitative findings, e.g., the high occurrence of
users with devotion attitudes informing others of alternative
strategies, which contradicts prior findings that S&P funda-
mentalists are reluctant to help [25].
6.1. Strategies to Resolve Ambiguity
In this theme, we describe how users resolve problems
and confusion collectively.
Collaborative exploration through elaboration. We find
that users seek input to complete their understanding of S&P
threats and better evaluate protective strategies. They try to
resolve ambiguities through iterative elaboration together,
which helps them better understand the sources of others’
confusion. For example, a user was skeptical of others’
concerns about a smart remote and asked for elaboration:
“What are they recording me with? It’s an IR blaster” (U42-
T170). After observing concerns about “someone could
tunnel in and eavesdrop on cameras, U42-T170 elaborated
that this issue may not represent a threat as the device uses
a local API.
Transfer of personal experience to a new context. Users
become aware of others’ backgrounds and contexts when
exploring a problem together. So, they transfer personal
experiences and understandings to support other people in
new smart home contexts. For example, one user suggested
blocking internal IPs based on their experience with a router.
However, they were aware that this suggestion might not
apply to owners of a robot vacuum, as it can hinder the
vacuum’s functionality.
“In my TPLink router, I have an option to block internal
IP addresses from accessing the internet. Would it still
work at all if it had NO connection?” (U4-T125)
Supplementary information as evidence. During collabo-
rative exploration, users often use supplementary informa-
tion to strengthen their arguments. In a thread in which
multiple users discussed their concerns about a smart lock’s
vulnerability, one user cited news about a product update
that had potentially patched the vulnerability: “I believe this
was resolved in 2016 with a new version of smart key. [url
of the news]” (U6-T10).
We see other patterns to supplement information, e.g.,
forum moderators pinning a “good discussion” (U4-T139)
about S&P for more visibility. This effort, however, seems
ad-hoc, and users still have difficulty navigating S&P in-
formation on Reddit. For example, one user reused advice
across similar threads about networking protocols and secu-
rity since it is “a recurring topic and reddit churns so much
that reuse makes sense” (U3-T51).
6.2. Contribution to Attitude Development
Above, we discussed users’ strategies to collectively
resolve ambiguity in the discourse related to S&P. Here,
we present how users’ attitudes change as a result.
The discourse affects S&P concerns. Users’ discourse with
others makes them more aware of S&P risks (Section 4.2.1),
leading them to revisit their attitudes. For example, one user
changed their attitude, from exploration to dismissiveness,
about a presumed “credit card scam”:
“Edit: You’re right, I wasn’t scammed, but if it is a scam,
someone else could easily fall for this. (U1-T8)
However, discourses do not always change opposing
attitudes. In a previous example (Section 4.3.1), the intensive
debate about the legitimacy of performing a deauthentication
flood for access control did not change either of the parties’
attitudes. One user described the others as “knowing partic-
ipant in a criminal conspiracy” and rejected their interpre-
tation of evidence from multiple news or legal documents
The discourse informs alternative strategies. As dis-
cussed in Section 4.3, users inform others of S&P protective
strategies. Rather than replicating the advice, users take
inspiration from the collective wisdom and develop new
strategies. For example, being inspired by others’ advice
on how to transfer smart device ownership securely, a user
took a hybrid approach, moving from the exploration to the
pragmatist attitude:
“UPDATE: I took a hybrid approach. I setup a gmail
account for the house and moved all accounts to it. I
removed one of my Wink Relays... (U1-T23)
A user, who had almost “abandoned all hope” in flashing
custom vacuum firmware for privacy, benefited from dis-
course and posted their updates for “those who might search
the forum” in need (U1-T89). This example shows a user
changing their attitude from the resigned to the pragmatist
6.3. Influence on the Discourse Environment
Facing the complex topics of smart home S&P in
conjunction with other technical and personal issues, users
hold various considerations and attitudes in the discourse.
We observe that the sentiment created by users’ consensus
and disagreement in the discourse influences the discourse
Opposing attitudes result in topic incoherence. When
S&P discussions intertwine with other topics, users tend to
go off-topic, especially when they have opposing attitudes.
In one thread, two users discussed how security systems
help thwart the adversary. One user questioned the security
improvements of smart cameras compared to an alarm sys-
tem because it is not temper proof, as “simply disconnecting
your cable will render your comms [communications] use-
less” (U4-T16). The discourse then drifted to presumption
about personal stances:
“We will just have to agree to disagree. I understand your
profession as a security system employee is threatened by
home automation, and rightfully so. (U2-T16)
Empathy resonates across attitudes. Some users show
empathy when bridging the gaps between different attitudes.
Users who share similar considerations are more likely to
create empathy and resonance. For example, many users
shared similar complaints about voice assistants being acti-
vated by kids:
“... our son managed to get the Google Home Mini to
recognize his ‘HEY GOOGLE!!’ this morning. People with
small children and voice recognition.... Help?” (U1-T78)
Resonance also spans different attitudes, such as sharing a
negative view of companies. For example, one user, who fell
into the devotion category, did not “trust Google, Apple,
or the NSA with my [their] naked pictures. Similarly,
another user, who exhibited resignation, thought “everything
is controlled by the megacorps of modern society” (U11-
T137, U3-T137).
Opposing attitudes create social pressure. There is a sense
of social pressure created when users of different attitudes
interact. Users with dismissive attitudes may view those who
worry about WiFi thermostats as being “paranoid” (U15-
T136). In another case, two users reinforced their stance on
surveillance issues when discussing smart speaker deals.
“right?! anyone skeptical of government surveillance can
GTFO my life!!” (U8-T55)
On the opposite, when defending their view about spying
activities from smart speakers, a user was passive-aggressive
toward others who dismissed the concern by saying “fill
your house with internet-connected microphones” (U12-
Meanwhile, we observe self-censorship when some users
stated their attitudes:
“Am I weird for thinking it’s weird that someone would
potentially have access to control many things in my home
through that echo?” (U1-T24)
Takeaway-RQ3. Compared to prior work that focused
mainly on the topics and users’ intent in online S&P dis-
cussions [48], [74], we show how attitudes and discus-
sion patterns influence each other, supported by quantitative
statistics in Figures 7 and 8. Facing complex smart home
S&P topics, users with different attitudes spontaneously
resolve the ambiguity of information, contributing to attitude
development. However, this process remains challenging
for users due to complex topics and social pressures from
opposing attitudes in other circumstances. We also identify
an information gap in online discussion. Users rarely refer
to reputable and understandable information sources about
S&P properties of smart home products during discussions.
Also, while community moderators highlight informative
comments about S&P, this effort seems ad-hoc, and they
are unlikely to correct misinformation at scale.
7. Discussion
Based on our findings, we provide three sets of recom-
mendations in addition to future work. First, smart home
companies should consider transparency, flexibility, and ac-
cessibility in product designs and practices to account for
users’ multi-dimensional S&P considerations (Takeaway-
RQ1). Second, stakeholders (companies, governments, and
third parties) should provide S&P nudges to help users
develop S&P attitudes by improving users’ awareness of
S&P risks and appropriate protective strategies (Takeaway-
RQ2). Third, online communities should facilitate the access
and exchange of smart home S&P-related information, pos-
sibly with automated information retrieval and moderation
Incorporating users’ multi-dimensional S&P consider-
ations into smart home designs. Our findings reveal that
users face challenges, such as limited information and prod-
uct support, when deciding on S&P protective strategies; the
associated tradeoffs force users to pick either a less secure or
a less usable deployment. To mediate the conflicts between
users’ S&P considerations and other functional needs, it
is important for smart home designs to incorporate users’
multi-dimensional considerations to help them assess S&P
risks and the appropriate protective strategies. However, it
can be challenging to incorporate users’ multi-dimensional
considerations due to the interplay of many contextual fac-
tors, users’ lack of comprehensive understanding of S&P
risks, and the diversity of use cases. Therefore, we recom-
mend three product design and practice guidelines for smart
home companies.
Companies should inform users about smart home
operations and practices in a transparent and understand-
able manner. Our findings indicate that users’ incomplete
views of stakeholders and products could result in bias
and conflicts when they assess S&P concerns. When users
are not sure “how reputable [the companies] are, their
privacy concerns may even conflict with a product’s security
settings; for example, one user hesitated to provide their
WiFi password to a smart bulb app (U1-T74). Thus, we
suggest that companies should first provide understandable
information about their compliance with S&P standards
and regulations. Then, companies should communicate with
users transparently about S&P threats, e.g., how the com-
pany “responds to zero days” as well as how they enforce
S&P protection institutionally (U3-T121) [33]. In addition,
explaining the operation of smart home designs, e.g., how
the device certification guarantees reliability or interoper-
ability, could help users assess associated S&P concerns
when developing tech-involved threat models.
Smart home companies should make S&P protective
strategies available and flexible for products. Our find-
ings reveal that users may not adopt certain smart home
products when S&P protective strategies are unavailable
or inflexible to mitigate users’ concerns. For example, the
availability and flexibility could be achieved by making
features that cause users’ S&P concerns (e.g., becoming a
part of a mesh network with neighbors) as opt-in rather than
a default, as well as by allowing users to delete data after
device abandonment (U7-T87). For more tech-savvy users,
companies could provide customizable designs that include
the exposure of “nerd knobs” or allow DIY and open-
sourced software to support their more sophisticated needs
to personalize protective strategies (U9-T1). Companies may
also offer controls in smart homes that allow users to balance
between their S&P needs and utility requirements [47], [61].
In addition, companies may reduce the perceived cost of
protective strategies by improving usability, e.g., via an
“easy to use GUI” (U5-T101).
Smart home designs should accommodate considera-
tions of different users, e.g., tech-savvy vs. novice, for
specific use cases. Users’ use cases vary, especially in
device-sharing contexts, which may lead to different assess-
ments of S&P risks and protective strategies even for the
same smart home product. For instance, users demanded
accessible S&P controls to “only activate [smart speaker]
for approved people” or prevent sensitive conversations
from being recorded when working from home (U6-T78,
U1-T68). Furthermore, though many users in our dataset are
tech-savvy, we recognize their awareness of the technical
cost and desire to support less tech-savvy users. Thus,
smart home designs could offer a collaborative framework to
support the S&P need of less tech-savvy users. In response,
companies could establish “tech caregiving,” which provides
a software interface for technically informed users to help
others such as the elderly [43], [87].
Supporting smart home users’ attitude development with
S&P nudges. We find that users’ S&P attitudes, manifested
in the level of S&P concerns and incorporation of pro-
tective strategies, change depending on the context. Users
demonstrate varying assessments of S&P risks, with prior
experiences and preconceptions often overriding objective
assessments. As such, they develop attitudes that do not
always result in secure and privacy-preserving behaviors.
Companies, governments, and third parties could provide
S&P nudges gentle interventions that direct users toward
safer practices [3] to help users’ attitudes evolve toward
preserving S&P.
Smart home products could nudge users’ S&P attitudes
with physical metaphors. We observe that users lever-
age physical S&P metaphors, e.g., comparing an always-
listening voice assistant to a person eavesdropping over
a table, to rationalize their smart home S&P attitudes.
This observation is logical given that users exhibit more
developed S&P attitudes in the physical world [38], [51],
[66]. As such, a physical metaphor can help inform users
about S&P risks and better utilize protective strategies. For
instance, the “privacy nutrition labels” take inspiration from
food nutrition labels to provide understandable S&P infor-
mation [26], [28], [29]. Another example by Teyssier et al.
explored anthropomorphic smart home product designs that
prompt privacy awareness through mimicking bystanders via
a human-eye-liked camera [75]. Protective strategies that
draw analogies from the physical world might also be more
intuitive to users, such as physical webcam covers or voice
assistant jammers [15].
Stakeholders, such as regulators and non-profits (e.g.,
Consumer Reports and Mozilla), could help deploy S&P
nudges at scale through automated assessment of smart
home products. Deploying nudges at scale solely by com-
panies could be challenging as we observe that users are
disappointed by their lack of responsibility. Other entities
that are potentially motivated to deploy respective nudges for
users include the workplaces, as the prevalence of working-
from-home may motivate them to inform their employees
about smart home S&P concerns. Furthermore, third-party
non-profits may leverage automated S&P assessment via
natural language processing to audit smart home products
based on their privacy policies and apps [35]. S&P nudges
could include the assessment results and inform users about
the S&P properties of diverse products, e.g., compliance
with regulations.
Supporting smart home users in accessing and exchang-
ing online S&P information. While users actively seek
information and voluntarily provide advice in the online
discussion, we find that they face several challenges in
accessing and exchanging online information about smart
home S&P. The various information types, e.g., news, re-
views, and anecdotes, are complex in nature. Reputable and
understandable information sources are not easily accessible
to online users. Moreover, we identify that users’ opposing
attitudes add pressure and may amplify the difficulties in
knowledge exchange. To address these challenges, we sug-
gest that online communities improve information access
potentially with the help of automation.
Discussion forums could highlight the access to credible
S&P information and sources. We find that forum mod-
erators’ efforts in highlighting S&P information seem ad-
hoc, as some users had to repeat the same advice to others.
There is also little S&P information at the time being on the
/r/homeautomation wiki page [62], where smart home
resources are more organized. Thus, we suggest moderators
maintain an up-to-date section about S&P on the wiki page
with other volunteers. Moreover, we observe only occasional
references to credible third parties that provide accessible
S&P assessments, such as Consumer Reports or Mozilla.
As such, we suggest online forums, smart home companies,
and credible third parties collaboratively maintain communi-
cation channels to bridge S&P information and users online.
For example, companies may leverage these channels to
share S&P information in time, such as patching notices.
Companies and third parties may also leverage automated
agents to share S&P information via online communities’
APIs [50], [65].
Online communities and credible third parties could
help mediate S&P discussion by detecting misinformation
and moderation. Our findings show that users sometimes
perceive others’ views of S&P information as conspiratorial.
Online communities may moderate discussions to facilitate
more peaceful conversations. Moderation may ease tension
resulting from opposing attitudes and detect inappropriate
content, e.g., hate speech. Further, automated agents that
process natural language may help mediate S&P discussion
and ease the burden on moderators and third parties [52].
Directions for future work. Our findings, along with our
methodology and limitations, e.g., the demographic bias
on Reddit, motivate our suggestions for future research on
smart home users’ dynamic attitudes and considerations.
Our method to detect S&P-relevant discussions and code-
book may contribute to future research.
We suggest that research should consider users’ dy-
namic and context-dependent S&P attitudes from multiple
domains. Future studies should consider a richer repre-
sentation of S&P attitudes beyond associating individuals
with a static S&P attitude. Such studies may capture users’
adoption journeys and contexts from multiple domains, such
as other social media platforms (Twitter, etc.) [49], [55],
customer reviews [89], and even non-S&P related com-
ments. Moreover, researchers could look into the alignment
of users’ attitudes between smart homes with other digital
and physical S&P domains.
Researchers should study users’ attitudes longitudinally
at a community level. Our findings on users’ evolving
attitudes motivate future longitudinal research to investigate
attitude development between discussion threads over time
in online communities. From /r/homeautomation,
we observe such evidence of attitude shifts in the S&P
discussions over the past decade. For example, in a 7-year-
old thread, one comment suspected the smart home market
might not take off due to interoperability problems, and there
were few S&P concerns “if we can’t even build the system”
(U3-T136). However, we now observe discussions of S&P
concerns about specific brands and products. Longitudinal
research could track users’ attitudes at the community level,
including the community’s responses to certain major S&P
“events. For example, the widespread publicity of the “Mi-
rai” attack affected user attitudes toward smart cameras
(U1-T104) [9].
Future work may investigate the underlying geopolit-
ical and cultural influences on smart home users’ S&P
attitudes. We notice other factors influencing users’ S&P
considerations and attitudes. For example, the common
distrust in Chinese products possibly arises from national
security and political perspectives. Prior research showed
the influence of geopolitical and cultural factors on the
adoption of digital products [22], [24], [45], e.g., Chi-
nese consumers’ transition to using mobile payment in-
stead of physical “Red Packets” for transferring ceremonial
money [69]. However, these influences are not fully revealed
by users on /r/homeautomation, since some con-
tent, including racism, violates Reddit’s content policy [63].
Therefore, researchers can potentially study these influences
in conjunction with other platforms, e.g., social media in
different countries. Furthermore, researchers could cross-
compare different countries’ attitudes toward each other,
e.g., how Chinese users consider U.S. products and vice
Another venue is to study the impact of different
designs of online S&P discussion platforms or reviews
on users’ information access. As users value information
sources when considering smart home S&P, the question
of how the sources’ information presentation, interaction
structures, and credibility may influence users’ S&P con-
siderations and discussions remains open. In addition, future
work may couple smart home users’ demographics and roles
to online S&P information, including children and victims
of intimate partner violence who have different intentions
to access such information [76].
8. Conclusion
We analyze smart home users’ S&P consid-
erations and attitudes from a major Reddit forum,
/r/homeautomation. Through our analysis of 180
threads, we discover that smart home users develop
multi-dimensional considerations regarding the interplay of
contextual factors. Users’ S&P attitudes are shaped and
further evolve with these considerations. We also study the
influence of online discourse–users exchange knowledge
and develop attitudes collectively. Accordingly, we propose
recommendations to support users’ S&P considerations,
attitude development, information exchange, and future
research to study users’ S&P attitudes from multiple angles.
We thank our reviewers for their valuable comments.
This work is supported in part by NSF under grants
1845469, 1942014, 2003129, and 2112562.
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A. Appendix
Subreddit Subscribers Appropriate? Explanation
r/homeautomation 1,622,028 Yes
r/googlehome 587,788 No Brand-specific
r/hue 227,287 No Brand-specific
r/homenetworking 223,605 Yes
r/homeassistant 166,711 No Brand-specific
r/iota 146,161 No Brand-specific
r/smarthome 133,135 Yes
r/ubiquiti 124,902 No Brand-specific
r/amazonecho 124,089 No Brand-specific
r/homekit 119,568 No Brand-specific
Strategies to resolve ambiguity
Influence on the discourse environment
Opposing attitudes create social pressure
Empathy resonates across attitudes
Supplementary information as evidence
Transfer of personal experience to a new context
Contribution to attitude development
The discourse informs alternative strategies
The discourse affects S&P concerns
Collaborative exploration through elaboration
Opposing attitudes result in topic incoherence
Number of threads
0 60 120 180
Figure 7. Three themes and the frequencies of eight subthemes of the online
discourse’s influences.
Strategies to
Influence on
the discourse
Opposing attitudes create social pressure
Empathy resonates across attitudes
Supplementary information as evidence
Transfer of personal experience to a new context
to attitude
The discourse informs alternative strategies
The discourse affects S&P concerns
Collaborative exploration through elaboration
Opposing attitudes result in topic incoherence
Influence of online discourse (RQ3)
Attitudes (RQ2)
Positive pragmatism
20 30 40
Figure 8. Co-occurrence of users’ S&P attitudes with the subthemes in
discourse influences per thread. The statistics highlight the participation of
users carrying exploration, positive pragmatism, and devotion in resolving
ambiguities for S&P-related discussion and their active contribution to
attitude development, e.g., informing alternative strategies. In contrast to
prior findings that S&P fundamentalists are reluctant to help [25], we
observe users of high technical competence (devotion) proactively support