Issue 12 – June 2024
It’s been an action packed and fun filled month! We’ve had sporting events, a residential
trip, Y2 were taken back in time to mediaeval times learning about castles. All of the
photographs from these events are on the galleries page on our website!
There are still lots of events taking place before we break for the summer holidays on
the 19th July, so please make sure you are checking the diary dates contained within
this newsletter.
We’ve been really fortunate to have been able to provide breakfast bagels for the whole
school each morning, and Pat has been fantastic at coming in and preparing them each
morning for us to enjoy. However, she has now taken the difficult decision that she can
no longer continue in this role, so from September there will no longer be any bagels
available. We would like to thank Pat for all of her hard work making sure that we are
all fed and ready for the day’s learning - Pat isn’t leaving us completely though, she’ll
still be here looking after us all at lunchtimes!
New Parent Governor
We are delighted to welcome Dawn Cross to the governing body as our new parent
governor. The governing body help to make key strategic decisions about the school
and meet regularly throughout the school year.
Should you wish to contact the governing body, this should be via email to
Change to fines for term time absence
The government are planning to increase fines for parents taking children out of school
during term time, these changes will come into force from September 2024 and we will
update you when we have confirmation of the amount as soon as a decision is made.
Star of the week
Stars of the week for last three weeks were:
W/C 10
June W/C 21
June W/C 28
Pixie - Hollie Pixie - Ava Pixie - Olivia
Unicorn Paisley Unicorn - Marlee Unicorn Emily
Pegasus Ella M Pegasus Edward Pegasus Ella
Griffin Amira Griffin - Sophie Griffin Ryan
Centaur Keegan Centaur - Rory Centaur Marshall
Dragon Sophia Dragon - Sammi Dragon Lyla
Phoenix - Theo Phoenix - Emmanuel Phoenix Cameron
Well done to all of the children!
Wall Update
At the moment, we do not have any further information or updates on the rebuilding of
the wall, as we are currently awaiting further instructions from the council. Hopefully,
we will be able to start to make some progress on getting the wall rebuilt and the school
site secure again soon.
Dates for your diary
Thursday 4
July Year 3 trip to Ferry Meadows
Friday 5
July Shuffle Up Day
Monday 8
July Year R trip to Mini Meadows
Tuesday 9
July Y6 Leavers Performance at 2pm
Tuesday 16
July Rock Steady Music Performance
Wednesday 17
July Y6 Leavers Trip to Drayton Manor
Thursday 18
July Y6 Graduation Ceremony & Leavers Disco
Friday 19
July School Closes for Summer
Govilon Residential
23 children from across Y5 & Y6 travelled to Govilon in South East Wales for a five day
residential this month. The weather was generally kind to us, and it was only on one
day that we encountered any rain (although we were soaked through from the waterfall
walk, so it didn’t matter anyway!).
We spent the first afternoon playing team games, then went for a mountain walk up The
Blorenge - with some stunning views of the Welsh countryside. We faced our fears and
walked through an old railway tunnel in the dark, before heading to the river where we
slid down waterfalls and jumped into pools. On Wednesday, we headed to the Gower
Peninsula for a day at the beach, which included kite flying, rock pooling, paddling in the
sea and finished with fish and chips on the beach!
The final two days were also jammed packed with activities, as we learnt how to survive
in the wild learning new bushcraft skills and canoed along a canal. We then visited the
Big Pit Mine Museum before heading back to Corby.
The photographs are on the galleries section of our website!
“Govilon was a really fascinating place. There were so many activities and I had a lot of
fun. Sometimes you would get soaked but you would learn a lot of new things. For
example, how to make rope from just a plant or even how to eat stinging nettles and
which plants are edible and which are poisonous. Moving on, we also went into an old
mineshaft called The Big Pit and into a cave. As well as that, the food was delicious and
the staff there are really kind (they also tell a lot of dad jokes). In my opinion, it was
amazing and completely worth it”.
“Govilon is an amazing place to spend your time in Wales. The staff are extremely
friendly and the food was really good. Some of the activities were a little scary, but were
all great fun. I personally loved Dai’s adventure walk as we got to climb up a mountain
with beautiful views, it was really fun and interesting. The beds are comfortable and
waterproofs, wellies and rucksacks are also given to you. Overall, Govilon is an amazing
place and I would highly recommend that everyone who is given the chance to, should
History off the Page
On Thursday 6th June, Year 2 were visited by History off the Page. They were taken
back in time to a Medieval Castle during the Anarchy.
Inside the castle, the children explored the different 'trades' of the time including Soap
Ball Makers, Potters and Leatherworkers. The children all made hand guards and tested
them on the bow and arrows.
In the afternoon, the children took part in a mediaeval banquet where they all
performed to Lord Patrick. The children all displayed fantastic singing, dancing, acting
and juggling skills. The day ended with a feast and some jousting.
University of Northampton STEAM Event
“On Wednesday 12th June, myself and my Year 6 class went to the University of
Northampton. As soon as we got there, it looked like a mini village and there were lots
of things to do. My favourite was the animal exhibits. I held a tarantula, a scorpion, a
bearded dragon and a large snake. Also, the VR experience was amazing, the games
were very fun and the touchable sports wall was tiring, but very exciting. Lastly, we
went to a science show and it was funny, but very shocking. I learnt some things that I
didn’t even know about! I was sad when we had to leave - it was an amazing trip and I
would love to go again!”
Sports Day
We all had a wonderful time on our Sports Day on Monday and we hope that you all
enjoyed it too. It was a great morning and the weather was perfect.
Tresham topped the score board with 303 points. Stewart were second place with 294
points, Lloyds third with 292 points and Rowlett fourth with 276 points.
Well done to all of the children, they were all absolutely fantastic and showed real team
48 children went to Corby International Pool to compete in the Brownlee Foundation
Kids of Steel triathlon on Tuesday. As always, the event is incredibly well run, and the
children were able to experience the different sporting elements of a triathlon.
The first leg of the event was in the swimming pool with the children swimming three
sides around the learner pool, then it was a quick dash to pop on shorts, t-shirts and
trainers and then out to the bike tent to collect a bike and helmet and cycle three times
around the car park. Back at the bike tent, it was another quick change to remove the
bike helmet before embarking on the final leg, the run to the finish. At the end,
everyone received a medal and a goodie bag!
Well done to all of the children who competed - you did yourselves proud!
Coram Beanstalk Volunteers Needed
Can you spare a few hours a week to become a reading helper at our school?
We are working with a charity called Coram Beanstalk to recruit and train volunteer
reading helpers who can commit to an afternoon a week to come in to school. As a
reading helper you will support at least 3 children on a one to one basis, outside of the
classroom environment. You will be sharing and talking about books, helping them to
grow in confidence and develop a lifelong love of reading.
For more information or if you wish to apply, visit the website at or call 0207 729 4087.
If you ever have any concerns regarding the safety and wellbeing of our children, please
contact the school and ask for Miss Thomas, Mrs Lowe or Miss Bland (Designated
Safeguarding Leads).