Last updated April 2024
To qualify for employment with the FBI, applicants must not violate any of the automatic
employment disqualiers. They must also follow the FBI’s employment drug policy. Please
ensure you meet these standards before submitting an application. The FBI extensively
researches all of the disqualiers outlined below during the FBI background investigation
Employment Disqualiers
The following factors will automatically disqualify
job candidates from employment with the FBI:
Non-U.S. citizenship
A felony conviction
A domestic violence conviction
Violating the FBI Employment Drug Policy
Defaulting on a student loan insured by the U.S.
Failing an FBI-administered urinalysis drug test
Failing to register with the Selective Service
System (for applicants who were assigned male at
birth only, exceptions apply – please click here to
nd out more)
Knowingly or willfully engaging in acts or activities
designed to overthrow the U.S. government by
Failing to pay court ordered child support
Failing to le federal, state, or local income tax
Please note that if any of the
above factors apply to you, you
don’t qualify for FBI employment.
Please make sure you can meet
FBI employment requirements and
pass all disqualiers before you
submit an application.
Employment Drug Policy
The FBI is rmly committed to a drug-free
workplace. Interested applicants who are currently
using illegal drugs or misusing or abusing legal
drugs or other substances for illicit purposes at
the time of the application process will be found
unsuitable for employment.
The FBI balances the needs of the organization and
the importance of maintaining the public integrity
necessary to accomplish its law enforcement and
intelligence missions by hiring the most qualied
candidates. The guidelines are used by all entities
in the hiring process to help determine whether an
applicant’s prior drug use makes them eligible and/
or suitable for FBI employment.
A candidate will be found unsuitable for employment
and automatically disqualied if they deliberately
misrepresent their drug history in connection with
their application for employment. Additionally,
candidates are automatically disqualied under the
following criteria:
Marijuana Usage
Candidates cannot have used marijuana or
cannabis in any form (natural or synthetic) and in
any location (domestic or foreign) within the one
(1) year preceding the date of their application for
Cannabidiol (CBD) or hemp-derived products
which consist of more than 0.3 percent
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) meet the legal
Employment Eligibility
denition of marijuana.
Dronabinol (sold as Marinol, Syndros, or
generic equivalents) is the only pharmaceutical
drug containing THC that the Food and Drug
Administration has approved for lawful use with a
medical prescription.
Other Illegal Drugs
Candidates cannot have used any illegal
drug, other than marijuana, within the ten (10)
years preceding the date of the application for
Prescription Drugs/Legally
Obtainable Substances
Candidates who have misused any prescription
drug within one (1) year preceding the date
of application for employment may be found
unsuitable and disqualied.
Candidates who have abused any prescription
drug or over-the-counter substance within three
(3) years preceding the date of application
for employment may be found unsuitable and
Candidates who have abused any legally obtained
substance (e.g., inhalants, solvents, etc.) within
three (3) years preceding the date of application
for employment may be found unsuitable and
Candidates cannot have used anabolic steroids
without a prescription from a licensed practicing
physician within ten (10) years preceding the date
of the application for employment.
FBI BackgroundInvestigation
All FBI employees must undergo an FBI background
investigation to receive an FBI Top Secret security
clearance. Once you have received and accepted a
conditional job offer, the FBI will initiate an intensive
background investigation. You must go through
this background investigation, and you must pass,
before moving forward with employment. The
preliminary employment requirements include a
polygraph examination; a test for illegal drug use;
credit and records checks; and extensive interviews
with former and current colleagues, neighbors,
friends, professors, etc. Before applying for any FBI
position, please make sure that the FBI Employment
Disqualiers don’t apply to you.