The FBI is an equal opportunity employer.
Last revised May 2022.
Special Agent Selection System
The mission of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) is to protect the American people and uphold
the Constitution of the United States.
The priorities of the FBI are to:
Protect the United States from terrorist attacks.
Protect the United States against foreign intelligence
operations and espionage.
Protect the United States against cyberattacks and
high-tech crimes.
Combat public corruption at all levels.
Protect civil rights.
Combat transnational/national criminal organizations
and enterprises.
Combat major white-collar crime.
Combat signicant violent crime.
The core values of the FBI are:
Rigorous obedience to the Constitution of the United States.
Respect for the dignity of all those we protect.
Uncompromising personal and institutional integrity.
Accountability by accepting responsibility for our actions and
decisions, and the consequences of our actions and decisions.
Leadership, both personal and professional.
Overview ............................................................................. 5
Special Agent Selection System ......................................... 6
FBI Employment Requirements ........................................ 12
Application and Required Documents .............................. 15
Minimum Qualications ................................................... 16
Core Competencies Evaluation ........................................ 18
Preparing for Your Ocial PFT ......................................... 20
Protocol and Scoring Guide .............................................. 21
Tactical Recruitment Program .......................................... 26
Medical Exceptions .......................................................... 27
Training and Preparation .................................................. 28
All You Need to Know to Apply
At the FBI, our mission is constantly evolving and expanding to respond to the nations
biggest challenges imposed by rapid advances in technology, terrorism, and intelligence
threats. This means our special agents must share their expertise in a variety of specialty
areas in order to help us stay ahead of the next threat.
Our special agents have a range of backgrounds,
education, and skillsets that collectively allows us to
stay ahead of threats. Special agents are individuals
with leadership abilities who are motivated to take
on new challenges and set moral standards for their
colleagues and teams.
While the demands vary, each role must be
performed competently and reliably. Special agents
share a drive to help keep our nation safe and take
pride in making a difference in the communities they
FBI special agents are responsible for conducting
sensitive national security investigations and
enforcing more than 300 federal statutes. As a
special agent, you may work on cases involving
terrorism, counterintelligence, cybercrime, organized
crime, white-collar crime, public corruption, civil
rights violations, nancial crime, bribery, bank
robbery, extortion, kidnapping, air piracy, interstate
criminal activity, and other violations of federal
FBI special agents must:
Adhere to standards of conduct and maintain
honesty and integrity.
Undergo a background investigation, credit checks
and a polygraph test in order to obtain a Top
Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)
Achieve and maintain required tness levels.
Pass a medical exam, which includes but is not
limited to, meeting visual and hearing standards.
Complete and graduate from the 16-week Basic
Field Training Course (BFTC) at the FBI Academy in
Quantico, VA.
Be prepared for worldwide assignments throughout
your career which may require temporary or long-
term relocation.
Work a schedule that may include irregular hours
nights, weekends, 24/7 on-call availability, and a
minimum 50 hours per week.
Carry a rearm and be willing to use deadly force,
if necessary.
Be willing and able to participate in arrests,
execution of search warrants and other dangerous
All You Need to Know to Apply
The Special Agent Selection System (SASS) is a multi-step process designed to hire
individuals who can help to make a difference in this job. The SASS typically takes one
year to complete, often longer. An explanation of the SASS steps can be found on the next
few pages.
The SASS Process
Application & Screening
Conditional Appointment
Offer (CAO)
Phase I Test
Background Investigation (BI)
Meet & Greet Session /
Review Process
Physical Fitness Test
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
Basic Field Training Course
Phase II Test
Career Placement
All You Need to Know to Apply
Step 4: Physical Fitness Test
After the Meet & Greet, you will need to pass the
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) with a minimum score
of nine points, with at least one point in three
of the events and no less than a zero in any one
event. A negative score in any of the four events is
considered a failure.
Training doesn’t stop there. You will be required to
take the PFT again and achieve a minimum score
within 120 days before you report to the BFTC.
Step 5: Phase II Test
Phase II consists of a writing assessment and a
structured interview conducted by a panel of three
special agents. (See Testing Overview Guide for
more information.)
Step 2: Phase I Test
The Phase I test is a computerized test within
a proctored environment. This is a three-hour
exam consisting of ve assessments: Logic-
Based Reasoning, Figural Reasoning, Personality
Assessment, Preferences and Interests, and
Situational Judgment.
Step 1: Application and Screening
You must attach all necessary forms to your
application. These include your ocial or unocial
transcripts, a DD-214 for former members of the
armed forces or your military enlistment contract for
current members of the armed forces. Applications
are screened for eligibility and suitability.
If you currently reside abroad, you will have to travel to
the United States for all testing at your own expense.
You may choose whichever Processing Field Oce is
most convenient. A list of all 56 eld Oces is on the
FBI website ateld-oces.
Timeframe: The screening process is
dependent upon the submission of all
application materials, overall application
volume, and current needs of the FBI.
Follow the guidelines in the special agent
job posting and on to expedite
your application processing.
Timeframe: Once invited, you will have 21
days to schedule and complete your Phase
I Test. You will receive a notication if you
passed within one hour after completing
the test.
Timeframe: The average timeframe for a
candidate to move from Phase I to Phase II
is 16 weeks.
Timeframe: You will receive your
cumulative Phase II results within two
weeks of completing both portions of the
Step 3: Meet and Greet Session /
Review Process
The Meet and Greet session is typically conducted
by your Processing Field Oce (PFO). During this
session, one or more evaluators will conduct an
in-person review of your application and validate the
information you submitted. Your information will
then be evaluated to assess your competitiveness
for Phase II.
All You Need to Know to Apply
with associates and references, and verication of
educational achievements.
Step 8: Physical Fitness Test
You must demonstrate physical readiness to perform
law enforcement duties by successfully completing
the PFT, which entails scoring a minimum of 12 total
points with at least one point earned in each event.
In order to qualify for the BFTC, you must complete
another PFT within 120 days before your scheduled
Step 9: Basic Field Training Course
Each BFTC has a limited number of spots and is based
on the needs of the FBI. Your BFTC may be scheduled
for three to six months out. BFTC prepares you with
the foundational knowledge, skills and abilities to
perform the job of special agent upon graduation.
The curriculum includes lessons in a variety of areas,
such as rearms, defensive tactics, interview and
interrogation, and human intelligence. The BFTC
also consists of multiple practical exercises that
center around a simulated investigation in which you
will demonstrate skills you acquired throughout the
You must also demonstrate physical readiness to
perform duties so you must complete at least one PFT
during BFTC. If you are unable to pass at least one PFT,
you will be dismissed.
Step 6: Conditional Appointment
Once you successfully complete and pass the Phase
II Test and the PFT, you will be issued a Conditional
Appointment Offer (CAO).
Hiring is contingent upon your successful completion
of the remaining SASS components, including the
polygraph examination test, medical evaluation, and
background investigation.
Timeframe: Candidates will receive their
CAO shortly after passing the Phase II
Writing Assessment and Interview.
Timeframe: The average background
investigation takes approximately six
months, but can take up to 18 months
or more depending on where an applicant
has lived, worked and traveled.
Step 7: Background Investigation
Once you receive a CAO, you will need to complete a
background investigation to obtain a Top-Secret SCI
The background investigation includes a Personnel
Security Interview (PSI), polygraph examination,
drug test, ngerprinting, and medical examination.
It also includes credit and arrest checks, interviews
You must not post information about the application process on social
media, message boards, chat rooms, blogs, internet forums, or any
other public forum. Use discretion when discussing the process with
family and friends. You must not solicit help, tips, advice, or assistance
of ANY kind on social media, message boards, blogs, internet forums, or
from current or former FBI employees.
All You Need to Know to Apply
Step 10: Career Placement
Upon successful completion of BFTC, you will
ocially join the FBI as a special agent. You will be
assigned a location at one of the 56 eld oces
located across the country upon completion of the
BFTC. You will generally not be assigned to the same
location that your application was processed out of.
Timeframe: BFTC lasts 16 weeks
(including orientation) and you are typically
notied two to four weeks in advance
of their class date. You are allowed to
request a different BFTC only once, with
sucient cause, after an initial BFTC date
is provided.
All You Need to Know to Apply
Physical Requirements
Special agents are often placed in situations that
challenge their physical endurance. Strength,
exibility, and endurance are necessary for personal
safety in an arrest situation, as well as to help ensure
the safety of fellow Agents, other law enforcement
ocers and civilians. To become a special agent,
you must possess the necessary tness levels to
complete the duties assigned to you.
Once you’ve passed the ocial PFT, you will be
considered ready to complete the physical training
and defensive tactics portion of training at the FBI
Academy. You will also be prepared to effectively
respond to life-threatening situations on the job.
You must be able to pass several physical tests to be
medically cleared to attend the FBI Academy. These
Vision test
Hearing test
Medical/health review
Note: Applicants for the Tactical Recruitment Program (TRP) have
additional requirements. (Visit the TRP section.)
Vision Requirements
Your distant visual acuity, corrected or
uncorrected, must meet FBI standards, which are
20/20 in one eye and no worse than 20/40 in the
other eye.
If you have distant visual acuity greater than
or equal to 20/100, you must provide medical
documentation of successful soft contact lens
use for at least one year without signicant
problems or adverse effects.
Applicants with recent refractive surgery involving
the creation of a corneal ap must wait six months
following surgery and complete an ophthalmology
evaluation to document complete healing prior to
applying for employment.
If you are Color-Vision decient, you must
successfully complete a Farnsworth D-15 color
vision test administered at the eld oce to be
Hearing Requirements
Hearing is considered a critical and essential job
function for the special agent position. Special
agents must be able to detect, localize and locate
the source of sounds that may indicate danger
or risk while entering locations tactically, while
pursuing, confronting and arresting subjects and
while transporting subjects to custody. Additionally,
special agents must be able to hear and understand
the speech of subjects and witnesses during
interviews and interrogations, which are sometimes
conducted in noisy, hectic situations, as well as
communicate with team members during raids,
arrests and searches when accurate communication
without repetition is necessary. If you have an
average hearing loss greater than 25 decibels (ANSI
standards) at 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 Hertz, then
you should have no single value at 35 decibels.
Additionally, no single reading may exceed 35
decibels at 500 Hertz or 45 decibels at 4,000 Hertz.
If you fail the initial pure-tone audiometry screening,
you will be asked to complete additional audiometry
testing (at your own expense and conducted by an
audiologist of your choosing) to more accurately
assess the candidates hearing ability. If you fail
testing with your audiologist, using the above
standards, you will be offered the FBI Hearing
in Noise Test (HINT). Only the FBI HINT will be
accepted. This test was developed to evaluate ones
ability to functionally hear human communication
in a noisy environment and is specically designed
to assess the hearing requirements for law
enforcement duties.
The HINT uses short sentences instead of pure
tones to establish a functional level of hearing
using both ears. Passing criteria include the Speech
Reception Threshold (SRT) in quiet (27.0 decibels)
All You Need to Know to Apply
and Composite SRT in noise (71 decibels) measured
in noise at 75 decibels. If you are an applicant who
wears hearing aids, open eld testing is available.
Candidates must provide documentation showing
the following required immunizations:
Polio (four childhood doses) and/or a
recent booster
Meningitis (Menactra, Menveo or Menomune)
within the past ve years
Tetanus Diphtheria (TD) or Tetanus, Diphtheria
and Pertussis (Tdap) within the past 10 years
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) (two doses)
Hepatitis A and B completed by one of the
following means:
Twinrix (A Hepatitis A and B combination,
three doses)
Hepatitis A (two doses) and HEPISLAV-B
(two doses)
Varicella (two doses) or proof of history of having
had chicken pox. This can be completed with a
personal statement that includes the approximate
year of disease or by providing proof of a positive
titer (blood test)
Inuenza (current season)
The FBI accepts the following documents as proof
of vaccination history:
CDC 731 “International Certicate of Vaccination
or Prophylaxis” or Yellow Card
Physicians or licensed health care provider’s
Proof of positive titer (blood test) will only be
accepted for MMR, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B
and Varicella
Military records
Travel health clinic records
Local or state health department records
School records
Note: Hepatitis immunizations may take up to six months to
complete if you have not already started the series with the
exception of HEPISLAV-B (newly approved by the FDA), which can
be completed in four weeks.
The FBI provides reasonable accommodations
to qualied individuals with disabilities. If you
believe you have a disability that will require special
arrangements during the hiring process, you may
request a reasonable accommodation at any time by
notifying your Applicant Coordinator.
Every test in the hiring process is evaluated
differently. Therefore, you must submit a reasonable
accommodation request for each test, if needed.
Reasonable accommodations are granted on
a case-by-case basis. Your request will receive
an individualized assessment; requests will be
processed in the order they were received.
According to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990, applicants may demonstrate prociency
on essential job tasks with or without reasonable
accommodations. To ensure that the PFT is
consistent with this legislation, a section is included
on the FD-876 Special Agent Applicant Liability
Waiver form that asks applicants to indicate whether
or not they require reasonable accommodations to
complete the PFT.
All You Need to Know to Apply
Employment Disqualiers
There are also certain employment requirements
that all candidates must meet in order to be eligible
for consideration for employment with the FBI.
Before applying for any FBI position, check to ensure
the FBI Special Agent Employment Disqualiers do
not apply to you. The FBI Special Agent Employment
Disqualiers are:
Non U.S. citizenship.
Conviction of a felony, sex crime and/or a
domestic violence misdemeanor.
Having knowingly or willfully engaged in acts
designed to overthrow the U.S. government.
Failure to pay court-ordered child support or
alimony payments.
Currently having a federally funded student
loan in default.
Failure to le income tax returns.
Once holding a security clearance that was revoked.
Previously failed the FBI polygraph examination or
was disqualied for employment with the FBI during
a background investigation.
Being found in violation of the FBI Employment
Drug Policy.
Failure to register with the Selective Service
System (for males only, exceptions apply; see for more information).
Employment Drug Policy
The FBI is rmly committed to a drug-free society
and workplace. Applicants for employment with the
FBI who are currently using illegal drugs, misusing or
abusing legal drugs or other substances at the time
of the application process will be found unsuitable
for employment.
While the FBI does not condone any prior unlawful
drug use by applicants, the FBI realizes some
otherwise qualied applicants may have used illegal
drugs at some point in their past. For a complete list
of disqualifying criteria, please see:
You will be found unsuitable for employment
and automatically disqualied if you deliberately
misrepresent your drug history in connection with
your application for employment.
Background Investigation
After you receive a conditional FBI offer of
employment, you must complete the necessary
documentation to launch your background
You are not eligible for employment
as a special agent with the FBI if you
meet any of the disqualiers listed.
The mission of the FBI is vital to the safety and security of our nation and its citizens.
Often, our work is very sensitive in nature. Therefore, all FBI positions require at least a
Top Secret Clearance; special agents must be able to obtain a Top Secret SCI Clearance.
All You Need to Know to Apply
investigation. The background investigation
process is very thorough; it can take several months
or more to complete. Once you are cleared, you will
receive your Top Secret SCI Clearance. You must
be approved for an SCI Clearance before beginning
employment with the FBI. The investigation includes:
A polygraph examination
Urinalysis test
Credit and records checks
Extensive interviews with former and current
colleagues, neighbors, friends, etc.
You will be contacted by the FBI eld oce
processing your background investigation to
schedule your interview, urinalysis test and
polygraph examination. The polygraph is used as
an investigative tool to verify the truthfulness of
your responses on the FBI background investigation
forms. In the next phase of the process, the FBI will
perform extensive records checks (credit checks,
police records checks, etc.) and FBI investigators will
interview past and present associates.
Things to Consider
If you are currently employed, please be aware that
you may be scheduled for testing during your regular
working hours (midday/midweek) and sometimes
within a short timeframe.
If you are on active duty with the military, you must
be within 15 months of completing your service
before applying.
You may receive no more than a two-week notice
to report to the Basic Field Training Course (BFTC)
and must successfully complete approximately 20
weeks of employment as a NAT while housed at the
FBI Academy in Quantico, VA.
Assignment and the Transfer
As a new special agent, you are encouraged to relay
your preference of assignment for consideration
during selections; however, assignments are made
based upon career path and FBI stang needs.
While eld oce position vacancies take priority over
all transfer-request decisions, the FBI bases transfers
on special agent oce preferences, seniority, budget
considerations and mission needs. If your top choice
is New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco or San
Juan, Puerto Rico, you will have an excellent chance
of getting that preferred oce assignment. It’s
also worth noting that, on average, a special agent
transfers just twice during a 20-year career.
All special agents must sign and adhere to a mobility agreement, which states
that you accept the possibility of a transfer as a condition of employment.
% of Agents
# of Transfers
.7 .1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top ranked Field Oce Choices
Percentage of New Agent Placement, FY2016- FY2019
Typical Number of Transfers
During a 20-year Special Agent Career
of SAs Placed in Top 3
Preferred Locations
of SAs Placed in Top 10
Preferred Locations
All You Need to Know to Apply
Fill out the Education, Work Experience, and Prole
Information sections on the application. Include
ALL prior work experience.
Attach your resume and ocial or unocial
college transcript(s) in the Attachments section.
Current or former federal employees should also
attach your SF-50.
Military veterans applying for Veterans’ Preference
should attach your DD-214 (Member 4 or Service
2 copy), Statement of Service (required if not yet
separated from the military), and VA Letter dated
within one year and/or SF-15 (optional).
Note: When scanning and uploading document(s), make sure that
all pages are readable and facing upright in the same direction.
If you are missing any of the items listed above,
please attach them to your prole as they become
available. Please apply when you have obtained the
required documentation. Your application will not
be processed until you have provided all required
Attach a cover letter in the Attachments
section. Instead, ll out the Education, Work
Experience and Prole Information sections on
the application.
Upload any picture les (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP).
All uploaded documents to your application
should be in PDF format.
All You Need to Know to Apply
The following minimum qualications are required at
the time of application:
Be a U.S. citizen
Be between 23 and 36 years of age
Have a bachelor’s degree or higher from a U.S.-
accredited college or university
Have at least two years of full-time professional
work experience
Have a valid driver’s license and six months of
driving experience
Meet the physical requirements
Must be able to obtain a Top Secret SCI Clearance
Technical Explanations and
Age Requirement
FBI special agents have a mandatory retirement
age of 57.In order to achieve the required 20 years
of service for retirement, you must enter on duty
no later than the day before your 37th birthday.You
must apply for the special agent position prior
to your 36th birthday to allow adequate time to
complete the SASS. The FBI may disqualify you at
any time during the process if it is determined that
you will reach age 37 before appointment.
Potential Exceptions: Applicants with certain prior
federal law enforcement service, applicants who
are current FBI employees or preference eligible
veterans may qualify for an age waiver.
Nonpreference Eligible Candidates — Applicants
with prior/current service as a federal law
ocer (LEO) and other federal positions (must
be supported by an SF-50) do not require an age
waiver as long as they will have amassed 20 years
of service by age 57.
Current FBI Employees — Special agent
candidates who are current FBI employees must
submit an application prior to their 39th birthday
and be appointed to the FBI Academy no later than
one day preceding their 40th birthday. They must
successfully complete and pass all phases of the
SASS and pass the background investigation to be
considered for an age waiver.
Preference Eligible Candidates — Applicants who
are members of the Armed Forces (rank 0-3 or
below) and are over the age of 36 at the time of
application may apply no sooner than 15 months
prior to their separation from the military. During
initial processing, the applicant will be required
to submit a Statement of Service from his or her
Armed Services branch, with an expected
discharge/release date and honorable or general
Character of Discharge. Preference eligible
applicants must successfully complete all phases
of the SASS, pass the background investigation
and submit a qualifying DD-214 before requesting
an age waiver. Without a qualifying DD-214, an age
waiver will not be considered.
Please Note: Veterans who retired at the rank of Major, Lieutenant
Commander or higher (0-4 or higher), are not eligible for
preference in appointment unless they are disabled veterans.
Applicants in this category must submit a DD-214 at the time of
application, along with the SF-15 and Veterans Affairs disability
rating letter. This does not apply to reservists who will
not begin drawing military retirement pay until age 60. For more
information visit:
All You Need to Know to Apply
Education Requirement
For ANY degree from an overseas institution, you
must provide a foreign equivalency certication at
the time of application. No processing will take place
without that documentation.
Potential exceptions: If your bachelor’s degree is not
from a U.S.-accredited college, but your advanced
degree is from a U.S.-accredited college, the FBI will
accept the accreditation of your advanced degree and
no other documentation is required.
Work Experience Requirement
For special agents, professional work experience is
dened as employment in:
Any occupation that requires a college degree and
may include specialized training.
Any position requiring a bachelor’s degree that
includes managerial, supervisory or leadership
Applicants with a master’s and/or advanced
degree(s) require one year of full-time work
experience at the time of application.
Applicants with a bachelor’s degree(s) require two
years of full-time work experience at the time of
Summer jobs, internships, seasonal positions,
temporary employment and/or volunteer work are
generally not considered in the professional work
experience category. In addition to the denition
above, the FBI will determine if an applicant meets
the professional work experience requirement based
on the general requirements needed to perform
special agent duties.
Potential Exceptions:
Professional athletics, such as a full-time career
participating in Major and Minor League sports
(NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, WNBA, etc.), or International
Competitions (Olympics).
For preference eligible veterans, part-time work,
internships (paid or unpaid), Peace Corps, and
Army Reserve/National Guard duty count toward
total work experience. Volunteer work may be
For all applicants, volunteer work (such as Peace
Corps) that requires full-time participation, paid
full-time graduate work programs, and full-time
fellowships may be considered as professional
work experience. All exceptions will be made on a
case-by-case basis.
All You Need to Know to Apply
Display a willingness to begin or participate in
new projects; anticipate and plan for additional
workloads; show interest and positivity despite
setbacks; and eagerly accept or respond to
problems or subsequent tasks.
Interpersonal Ability
Deal effectively with others; establish and
maintain rapport with management, colleagues
and subordinates; recognize and show sensitivity
to differences in the needs and concerns
of others; and mediate concerns between
individuals and groups, as well as settle disputes.
Organizing and Planning
Establish priorities, timetables and goals/
objectives; structure a plan of action for self
and others; and develop both strategic and
tactical plans.
Problem Solving and
Critically evaluate conditions, events and
alternatives; identify problems, causes
and relationships; base decisions or
recommendations on data or sound
reasoning; and formulate objective opinions.
The FBI uses a category rating system and does not evaluate applicants against other
applicants. You will be independently evaluated on the competencies listed below. Please
ensure that these competencies are evident in your application and provide details on how
each competency was demonstrated.
Work together to develop ideas, solve problems
and word toward a common goal while leveraging
others’ expertise and perspectives; establish
rapport with the community and internal FBI
partners; maintain composure and display
professionalism at all times; and share information
with others you deem appropriate when needed.
Express thoughts and ideas clearly, concisely,
persuasively and effectively both orally and in
writing; interpret and understand verbal or written
communications; tailor communication to recipient
experience, exposure or expertise; and proactively
share information when appropriate.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Adapt rapidly to changing circumstances;
anticipate problems and work proactively to solve
them; accept new direction eagerly; and positively
consider new points of view when offered.
Motivate and inspire; develop and mentor; gain
the respect, condence and loyalty of others;
and articulate a vision, give guidance and provide
direction in accomplishing goals.
All You Need to Know to Apply
The FBI special agent position requires a commitment to physical tness as part
of daily life. Applicants will take an ocial PFT during the application period and at the
FBI Academy.
During the application process, you must pass the
PFT, scoring a minimum of nine total points with
at least one point in three events and no less than
zero in any event. A negative score in any of the
four events is considered a failure. You will have an
unlimited number of attempts up to one year after
passing the Background Investigation to pass the
Note: All BFTC candidates must pass a PFT scoring a minimum
of 12 total points with at least one point in each of the four events
once while at the Academy.
The standard PFT consists of four main events. A
fth event, pull-ups, is now required of all NATs, but
is not scored as pass/fail. The event is tracked for
Academy tness award recognition. However, all
Tactical Recruitment Program (TRP) candidates
must complete and pass the pull-up event. These
events were chosen because they accurately
measure an individual’s overall tness level relative
to the essential tasks performed by FBI special
agents. The events are administered in the following
order with no more than ve minutes of rest in
between each event:
1. Maximum number of continuous sit-ups in one
2. Timed 300-meter sprint
3. Maximum number of continuous push-ups
4. Timed 1.5-mile run
5. Maximum number of pull-ups (untimed)*
Each event must be performed precisely according
to the strictly dened protocol in order to be scored.
In order to pass the standard PFT, you must achieve
a minimum cumulative score of 12 points in the
rst four events, with at least one point in each of
the rst four events; therefore, it is possible for you
to receive a score of 12 (or more) and still fail the
standard PFT by failing one of the individual events.
If you are a TRP applicant, you must achieve a
minimum score of 20 points and must score at least
one point in each of the ve events to pass the TRP
*Note: Only TRP candidates are scored on this event.
All You Need to Know to Apply
The candidate lies on back with tops of shoulder
blades touching the oor; arms crossed over chest
with ngers in contact with the top of the shoulder
(trapezius muscle or seam on some T-shirts).
Knees are bent at a 90-degree angle with the feet
placed at on the oor (feet are held in place by a
partner with the partner’s hands at the tongue of
the trainees shoes and knees on the trainees toes).
Candidate raises upper body until the elbows touch
mid-thigh, then returns to the starting position (the
tops of the shoulder blades must touch the oor)
to complete the repetition. Hips must remain in
contact with the ground throughout the repetition.
This is a timed one-minute continuous motion
exercise; if a candidate pauses before the minute is
up, he or she forfeits the rest of the minute.
Scoring Scale for One-Minute Sit-ups
Score Female Range Male Range
-2 29 and below 31 and below
0 30-34 32-37
1 35-36 38
2 37-40 39-42
3 41-42 43-44
4 43-46 45-47
5 47-48 48-49
6 49-50 50-51
7 51-52 52-53
8 53-54 54-55
9 55-56 56-57
10 57 and over 58 and over
All You Need to Know to Apply
Scoring Scale for Timed 300-Meter
Sprint (in seconds)
Score Female Range Male Range
-2 67.5 and over 55.1 and over
0 67.4–65.0 55.0–52.5
1 64.9–62.5 52.4–51.1
2 62.4–60.0 51.0–49.5
3 59.9–57.5 49.4–48.0
4 57.4–56.0 47.9–46.1
5 55.9–54.0 46.0–45.0
6 53.9–53.0 44.9–44.0
7 52.9–52.0 43.9–43.0
8 51.9–51.0 42.9–42.0
9 50.9–50.0 41.9–41.0
10 49.9 and
40.9 and
300-Meter Sprint
The 300-meter sprint event usually takes place on
a quarter-mile oval track (although this may change
based on individual circumstances). The candidate
will start from a standing position and run 300
meters (3/4 of one lap).
All You Need to Know to Apply
The candidate begins in the front leaning rest position
(hands on the oor one to two hand widths beyond
the shoulders and elbows must be away from the
body, with arms fully extended, body held straight
with the feet no more than three inches apart and the
toes touching the oor). As the arms are exed, the
body is lowered toward the oor until the upper arms
are parallel to the oor (straight line from center axis
of elbow to center axis of shoulder). The candidate
completes the exercise after returning to the starting
position. This is a continuous-motion exercise.
Scoring Scale for Push-ups (untimed)
Score Female Range Male Range
-2 4 and below 19 and below
0 5–13 20–29
1 14–18 30–32
2 19–21 33–39
3 22–26 40–43
4 27–29 44–49
5 30–32 50–53
6 33–35 54–56
7 36–38 57–60
8 39–41 61–64
9 42–44 65–70
10 45 and over 71
All You Need to Know to Apply
1.5-Mile Run
The 1.5-mile run event usually takes place on a
quarter-mile oval track (although this may change
based on individual circumstances). The candidate
will start from a standing position and run six laps
around the track.
Scoring Scale for Timed 1.5-Mile Run (in
minutes: seconds)
Score Female Range Male Range
-2 15:00 and over 13:30 and over
0 14:59–14:00 13:29–12:25
1 13:59–13:35 12:24–12:15
2 13:34–13:00 12:14–11:35
3 12:59–12:30 11:34–11:10
4 12:29–11:57 11:09–10:35
5 11:56–11:35 10:34–10:15
6 11:34–11:15 10:14–9:55
7 11:14–11:06 9:54–9:35
8 11:05–10:45 9:34–9:20
9 10:44–10:35 9:19–9:00
10 10:34 and
8:59 and
All You Need to Know to Apply
The candidate hangs from a horizontal bar, hands
at least shoulder width apart (but no more than 23
inches apart as measured from the outsides of the
hands) with palms turned away from the face and
arms fully extended. The candidate exes his or
her arms and pulls the body upward until the chin
is higher than the bar. There can be no swinging or
jerking of the body or use of the legs in an effort to
propel the body upward. The candidate then lowers
the body back to the hanging position with arms fully
extended. This is a continuous-motion exercise.
*Note: Only TRP candidates are scored on this event.
Scoring Scale for Pull-ups (untimed)
Score Female Range Male Range
0 0 0-1
1 1 2-3
2 2 4-5
3 3 6-7
4 4 8-9
5 5 10-11
6 6 12-13
7 7 14-15
8 8 16-17
9 9 18-19
10 10 and over 20 and over
All You Need to Know to Apply
You must spend at least three years as a special
agent prior to applying for the TRP.
You may also qualify for the TRP if you:
Have at least three years of law enforcement or
military experience.
Pass an interview with Critical Incident Response
Group (CIRG) personnel.
Pass the TRP PFT.
The TRP PFT consists of ve mandatory events that
are administered in the following order, with no more
than ve minutes of rest between each event:
1. Maximum number of continuous sit-ups in one
2. Timed 300-meter sprint
3. Maximum number of continuous push-ups
4. Timed 1.5-mile run
5. Maximum number of pull-ups (untimed)
As a TRP applicant, you must achieve a minimum
score of 20 points and must score at least one
point in each of the ve events to pass the TRP PFT.
In addition, your scores on individual events must
meet the minimum requirements of the four-event
standard PFT. If you fail the TRP PFT, you will not be
processed under the TRP. However, TRP applicants
who fail the TRP PFT but pass the standard PFT will
continue processing under the SASS.
You are reminded that minimum performance is just
that — the minimum. Competitive performance at
the HRT selection course will require physical tness
well in excess of these minimums.
Special agent applicants with tactical experience interested in pursuing a position with
the Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) are considered tactical applicants through the Tactical
Recruitment Program (TRP) and should be fully prepared to pass the TRP Physical Fitness
Test (PFT).
All You Need to Know to Apply
Illness or injury that occurs before the PFT, which
prohibits the applicant from showing up for the test,
must be supported by medical documentation 72
hours before the scheduled PFT date/time.
If an applicant is injured or falls sick less than 72
hours before the scheduled PFT, the applicant must
advise his or her Physical Fitness Advisor (PFA)
as soon as possible and must provide supporting
medical documentation within 72 hours.
Illness/injury that occurs during the PFT, which
prevents the candidate from completing the test,
must be supported by medical documentation
obtained within 72 hours after the PFT. If the
candidate sustains injuries or falls ill during the
course of testing, he or she must stop taking the
PFT immediately and seek medical attention. If the
candidate continues to take the PFT and fails, no
medical excuse will allow that failure to
be rescinded.
Example: A candidate fractures her ankle
two weeks before a scheduled PFT. The
candidate must provide her eld oce with
medical documentation clearly stating that
she cannot physically complete the PFT.
This document must be received within
72 hours prior to the PFT. The candidate
will be deactivated if acceptable medical
documentation is not provided.
Example: A candidate hurts his wrist during
the push-ups event and informs the PFT
administrator that he cannot continue.
The candidate is required to seek medical
attention within 72 hours and provide
supporting documentation. If the candidate
does not submit acceptable documentation
to the eld oce, the PFT will be recorded
as a failure.
If an applicant arrives at the PFT and is sick, the
PFT will not be administered. The candidate will
then have to provide documentation proving that
he or she sought medical attention within 72 hours
for that specic injury or illness. If acceptable
documentation is not provided, the PFT will be
recorded as a failure.
If a candidate completes the PFT, the score will
stand whether or not the applicant obtains a passing
score. No applicant will be granted a retest if he or
she completes a PFT with a failing score and then
claims that an injury or illness prevented him or her
from passing the test.
Given the demanding requirements associated with training for and taking the PFT, the FBI
will excuse an applicant from his or her PFT with sucient medical documentation.
All You Need to Know to Apply
Warm-up and Cool-down
Each workout should begin with a dynamic warm-up
period of at least ve to 10 minutes. This will increase
core body temperature, lubricate the joints and prime
the nervous system for the workout that follows. The
warm-up should include moderate-intensity aerobic
activities (cycling, jogging) and limited amounts of
the specic movements to be trained that day (push-
ups, sit-ups). You should already be sweating before
the workout begins! Once the workout is completed,
perform ve to 10 minutes of moderate physical
activity as a cool down and transition back to rest.
Reasonable Accommodations
Applicants requesting a reasonable accommodation
during the PFT must submit written medical
documentation to their Applicant Coordinator
from a certied medical provider describing the
medical disability and the need for reasonable
accommodation during the PFT. The applicant or the
health care professional should propose the specic
accommodation needed by the applicant to take the
PFT. All reasonable accommodation requests are
reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Training Principles
Overload To increase physical tness, one must exercise at a level that challenges the body beyond its
current capacity. Overload is often expressed in terms of training frequency (how often), training
intensity (how demanding) and training duration (how long).
Progression For continued tness improvements, the overload must be gradually increased.
Specicity To best prepare for the Physical Fitness Test, applicants should devote most of their training
time to sprints and sustained runs, as well as sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups* performed to
protocol. Applicants should also avoid training for each event in isolation.
Reversibility If physical training ceases, tness levels will return to pretraining levels. Use it or lose it.
Sample Training Program
The FBI recommends that all applicants follow a
disciplined workout program in preparation for the
PFT. To assist you with this, we have provided a
sample Physical Training Planner.
The Physical Training Planner includes four different
types of workout programs in addition to the warm-up/
Muscular Strength and Endurance
Aerobic Power
Anaerobic Power
Circuit Training
Muscular Strength and Endurance
This type of workout will increase a muscle groups
ability to exert force and resist fatigue. Since
strength and endurance are specic to certain
muscle groups, we strongly recommend that you
perform push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups according
to the criteria used to score the PFT as your primary
strength and endurance exercises.
All You Need to Know to Apply
Aerobic Power
This type of workout will increase the capacity of
the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal
systems to deliver and utilize oxygen for energy.
Sustained running should be your primary mode of
aerobic training. Exertion should be heavy throughout
the workout (you should be working hard enough that it
is impossible to carry on a conversation).
Anaerobic Power
This type of workout will increase the body’s capacity
to perform high-intensity work and should consist of
short bursts (30–90 seconds) of maximum exertion.
We recommend sprint running because this will best
prepare you for the 300-meter sprint on the PFT.
Circuit Training*
Circuit training combines elements of aerobic
and anaerobic, as well as muscular strength and
endurance exercises with limited rest periods.
Rather than always training for these tness
components in isolation, we recommend that
applicants perform at least one circuit workout
per week to prepare for the multi-stage PFT. Listed
below is a sample circuit workout:
1. Run for 90 seconds
2. Maximum sit-ups in 30 seconds
3. Run for 90 seconds
4. Maximum continuous push-ups
5. Run for 90 seconds
6. Maximum continuous pull-ups**
7. Run for 90 seconds
8. Maximum body weight squats or lunges in 30
*Repeat entire circuit three to ve times with one minute of rest in
between repetitions.
**Note: Only TRP candidates are scored on this event.
While a sample training program is
provided for reference purposes,
the FBI strongly recommends
consulting with a physician to create
a personalized tness plan.
Muscular Strength
and Endurance
Anaerobic Power Aerobic Power
Frequency 2–3 days per week;
nonconsecutive days.
1–2 days per week. 3–5 days per week.
Intensity 3–5 sets of max repetitions.
Add resistance for sit-ups,
3–10 repetitions of 30–90
second sprints; maximum
Heavy exertion: too dicult
to carry on a conversation.
Time 30–60 seconds of rest
between sets.
Rest twice as long as
20–30 minutes
General Training Guidelines
The general guidelines for training to improve
muscular strength and endurance, aerobic power
and anaerobic power are provided in the table
below. Applicants should use these guidelines to
help structure their workouts appropriately. Special
consideration should be given to circuit training as
this type of workout best replicates the PFT.
All You Need to Know to Apply
Physical Training Planner
The Physical Training Planner shown below provides
applicants with a disciplined workout program
in preparation for the PFT. As you increase in
strength, endurance and power, you will be able to
progressively increase your speed, repetitions
or intensity for each workout.
Avoiding Injuries
It’s estimated that as many as 50% of people starting
an exercise program will report an injury within the
rst six months. These injuries make it dicult, if
not impossible, to continue physical tness training
without some period of inactivity. This section
identies the main risk factors that can lead to injury,
as well as some risk-reduction strategies.
Inexibility and Muscle Imbalances — Joint mechanics
are disrupted when muscles on one side are excessively
weak and/or lengthened while muscles on the other
side are overdeveloped and/or tight. Train in a way that
promotes muscular balance from front to back, side to
side and top to bottom. Stretch the tight muscles and
strengthen the weak muscles.
Environmental Considerations — Running on
harsh surfaces (uneven terrain, banked surfaces,
concrete) can magnify the stress placed on the
musculoskeletal system. Opt for relatively at,
cushioned training surfaces when possible. Harsh
climates can also lead to heat or cold illness, so
acclimate yourself with 14 days of moderate training
within an environment.
Proper Footwear — Choose footwear that is
appropriate for your activities and allows for normal
mechanics, especially during running. Replace your
running shoes after 300 miles or every six months,
whichever comes rst.
Overtraining — Too much physical stress applied
too quickly with insucient recovery can lead to
dysfunction. Follow the physical training guidelines
addressed here and those set forth by leading
tness and sports medicine organizations. Having
regular rest days is important for recovery.
Improper Technique — Faulty exercise techniques
can place undue stress on joints and soft tissues.
Never sacrice form and technique for more
repetitions or faster times.
Monday Tuesday Wednes-
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Rest Day Warm-up Warm-up Rest Day
Strength and
(30 min)
Strength and
(30 min)
(20 min)
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down